четверг, 29 января 2009 г.

A bleak outlook for the UK.

Original: A bleak outlook for the UK.

The IMF said today that Britain will be the hardest hit country in the developed world in what is now forecast to be the ‘deepest recession since WWII’. The IMF now expects e the British GDP to fall by 2.8 % this year, not the 1.3% that was previously thought in November. Furthermore, a UN [...]

понедельник, 26 января 2009 г.

Miranda rights apply to terrorists, says Obama

Original: Miranda rights apply to terrorists, says Obama

An author and expert on Islam is concerned that President Obama's decision to suspend military tribunals being conducted at the Guantanamo Bay detention facility could lead to a policy where U.S. soldiers might have to read captured enemy combatants their Miranda rights on the battlefield.

Miranda rights apply to terrorists, says Obama

A Serious Conservative Agenda

Original: A Serious Conservative Agenda

It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. It is the worst of times because millions of Americans are unemployed. It is the worst of years because we have mortgaged the future of our children and grandchildren for decades to come.

A Serious Conservative Agenda

America's Broad Astanding

Original: America's Broad Astanding

Already this “new era” has seen the liberal leader promise to bring “home” all of the misunderstood Middle East miscreants known to the rest of us as terrorists from the “hateful” confides of Guantanamo Bay, as their rooms at the Ritz await them.

America's Broad Astanding

More L.A. Times God-Like Obamaconography

Original: More L.A. Times God-Like Obamaconography

In yet another example of the absurd, even borderline blasphemous depictions of Barack Obama as if he were a religious figure, the L.A. Times foisted upon its customers an amazing specimen as a wrap around over its newsstand copies of the paper leading up to inaugural day last week.

More L.A. Times God-Like Obamaconography

Predatory Politicians Destructive Leftwing Policies & the Roots of the Housing Crisis

Original: Predatory Politicians Destructive Leftwing Policies & the Roots of the Housing Crisis

In the midst of the economic crisis and the wake of the Paulson bailout, the mainstream media have begun publishing obituaries for the free market. The elite press has begun to trumpet “the end of American-style capitalism” and “the bankrupt dogma of Reagan-Thatcherism.”

Predatory Politicians Destructive Leftwing Policies & the Roots of the Housing Crisis

Vatican Cites Obama’s †Arrogance’ as He Moves to Fund Abortions Around the World

Original: Vatican Cites Obama's 'Arrogance' as He Moves to Fund Abortions Around the World

Archbishop Rino Fisichella, president of the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy for Life, told the Italian newspaper Corriere dell Sera on Saturday that President Obama acted with “arrogance” in repealing the Mexico City Policy that had prevented U.S. international aid dollars from going to organizations that perform or promote abortion.

Vatican Cites Obama’s ‘Arrogance’ as He Moves to Fund Abortions Around the World

Cowering GOP becomes Obama’s doormat

Original: Cowering GOP becomes Obama's doormat

Too many Senate Republicans are turning tail rather than demanding concrete answers to obvious ethical questions from three of President Obama’s most important Cabinet picks. Have these GOPers forgotten the difference between having an open mind — a good thing — and lying down like doormats?

Cowering GOP becomes Obama’s doormat

Wilders, Redux

Original: Wilders, Redux

This is an egregious attack on the rights of a citizen to freedom of speech by a "free" nation's court system. The quotes in the film are TRUE and taken right from the Koran with no editing or comment.

So it seems appropriate to send out Geert Wilders' speech from the Four Seasons restaurant on September 25, 2008, sponsored by the Hudson Institute. It is long, but well worth the read.

Wilders, Redux

Pelosi Tells ABC Birth Control Will Help Boost Economy

Original: Pelosi Tells ABC Birth Control Will Help Boost Economy

 Speaker Pelosi said today that birth control will boost the economy--
Funding birth control will reduce costs to states and the federal government. 
No People = No Costs!
Much like how a genocide would reduce costs.
Hey, it would probably help with non-existent global warming, too.

Pelosi Tells ABC Birth Control Will Help Boost Economy

Boycott Greg Gutfield’s †Red Eye’

Original: Boycott Greg Gutfield's 'Red Eye'

“Red Eye with Greg Gutfeld” on the Fox News Channel must be boycotted or taken off the air. Its sexist, misogynist, homophobic, racist, speciesist and self-hating host must be maimed, lynched and/or killed.

If not, someone might be offended. And that cannot happen - especially now that President Obama is poised to make everything really great.

Boycott Greg Gutfield’s ‘Red Eye’

Socialism: The Anti-Christian Utopian Revolution

Original: Socialism: The Anti-Christian Utopian Revolution

Will socialism destroy the America we have all known? We have heard much about the rise of socialism in our nation. Does socialism affect you? Will it affect your life, family, children, work or future? What is socialism? Is socialism an evil thing? Does socialism affect the Church? Should Christians be concerned?

Socialism: The Anti-Christian Utopian Revolution

'Bad Will Hunting'

Original: 'Bad Will Hunting'

Matt Damon is scared. Last week his e-mail runneth over with nasty Sarah Palin rumors. And before he could get his facts straight, the "Bourne" film series star and Barack Obama supporter spread false fears in a hysterical video that immediately went viral on the Internet.

'Bad Will Hunting'

The John Murtha Jihadist Correctional Facility

Original: The John Murtha Jihadist Correctional Facility

Get this: King of Pork John Murtha, the 19-term Democratic congressman from western Pennsylvania, now wants to welcome a flood of Guantanamo Bay jihadists into his district. I don't want to hear a single word of protestation from the constituents who put this money-grubbing, security-undermining fool back into office. As you vote, so shall you reap.

The John Murtha Jihadist Correctional Facility

Conformity’s Seduction

Original: Conformity's Seduction

How dazzling is President Obama? So dazzling that he didn’t merely give a dazzling inaugural speech. Any old timeserving hack could do that. Instead, he had the sheer genius to give a flat dull speech full of the usual shopworn boilerplate. Brilliant!

Conformity’s Seduction

Obama: Backstabber-to-be

Original: Obama: Backstabber-to-be

For eight years, conservatives were forced to suffer George W. Bush's betrayals of conservative principles time and time again. The Texas governor who won the Republican nomination as a small government compassionate conservative presided as a big government liberal, created new entitlements and launched pointless wars for democracy as if he was the bastard heir of Woodrow Wilson and Lyndon Baines Johnson.

Obama: Backstabber-to-be

Thousands Crowd San Francisco Waterfront, Rally Against Abortion

Original: Thousands Crowd San Francisco Waterfront, Rally Against Abortion

More than 30,000 pro-life supporters filled the boulevard along San Francisco's waterfront for more than a mile in the 5th Annual Walk for Life West Coast today, walking behind a 10-foot-long "Abortion Hurts Women" banner.

Thousands Crowd San Francisco Waterfront, Rally Against Abortion

A Nation of Christians and Muslims?

Original: A Nation of Christians and Muslims?

In his Inaugural Address our new president described the United States as “a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus and non-believers.” As a graduate of Harvard Law School and a former editor of the Harvard Law Review, President Obama, knows the significance of words and the order in which they appear.

A Nation of Christians and Muslims?

Put a Hold on Holder

Original: Put a Hold on Holder

Eric Holder, President Barack Obama's nominee for Attorney General, has a long and dubious record as a supporter of strong governmental intervention, questionable pardons, and onerous gun control.

Put a Hold on Holder

Obama names new Gitmo

Original: Obama names new Gitmo

President Barack Obama, under pressure to find a location for all of the detainees at Guantamao Bay in order to fast-track its closure, suggested housing the prison’s terrorists at Michael Jackson’s Neverland Ranch.

Obama names new Gitmo

So You Want To Boost The Economy? End Affirmative Action!

Original: So You Want To Boost The Economy? End Affirmative Action!

With America having ruined its finances through excessive debt, the new administration is urging more hair of the dog that bit us: borrowing another $820 billion or so for “fiscal stimulus”.

So You Want To Boost The Economy? End Affirmative Action!

Obama wants swift and expensive action.

Original: Obama wants swift and expensive action.

Barack Obama has held his first radio and Internet speech as the President of the United States. Not surprisingly, he concentrated on how to fix the flailing economy. His very expensive and complex plan is now being considered by congress, and also by the public, but they already had their say about two and a [...]

Barack Obama picks a fight with Rush Limbaugh

Original: Barack Obama picks a fight with Rush Limbaugh

Mr Obama has told Republicans in Washington to stop listening to the right-wing talk show host Rush Limbaugh, risking a new culture war with conservative voters.

Barack Obama picks a fight with Rush Limbaugh

воскресенье, 25 января 2009 г.

Obama's Victory: Â A View From Across The Pond in The London Daily Mail

Original: Obama's Victory: ­ A View From Across The Pond in The London Daily Mail

A victory for the hysterical Oprah Winfrey, the mad racist preacher Jeremiah Wright, the mainstream media who abandoned any sense of objectivity long ago, Europeans who despise America largely because they depend on her, comics who claim to be dangerous and fearless but would not dare attack genuinely powerful special interest groups.

Obama's Victory: ­ A View From Across The Pond in The London Daily Mail

President Obama’s Weekly Address 1/24/09

Original: President Obama's Weekly Address 1/24/09

Atheism - A Godless Delusion

Original: Atheism - A Godless Delusion

Throughout the ages, a single question hangs on the face of mankind like a hairy wart on the end of the nose. Each of us will live our lives, raise our children, and then lay down to die with this question asked, but never answered.

Atheism - A Godless Delusion

Story of Valor~Fierce battle above Shok Valley

Original: Story of Valor~Fierce battle above Shok Valley

There are no roads leading into the Shok Valley. A village which stands sentinel over the valley is home to one of the fiercest of the insurgent forces in Afghanistan - the Hezeb Islami al Gulbadin, or HIG. On April 6, a daring raid into the stronghold by Afghan Commandos and their Special Forces counterparts tested the mettle of the Afghan forces and further forged the bond between them and their SF brothers.

Story of Valor~Fierce battle above Shok Valley

The Collapse of the Left-Wing Media

Original: The Collapse of the Left-Wing Media

There is much irony in the fact that while liberals have won power in Washington big time, left-wing media are collapsing all over the place. In the last couple of weeks, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, the Minneapolis Star Tribune and the mother of all liberal publications, The New York Times, each has issued SOS announcements.

The Collapse of the Left-Wing Media

пятница, 23 января 2009 г.

Bin Laden: Gaza is one of the many fronts of "World Jihad"

Original: Bin Laden: Gaza is one of the many fronts of "World Jihad"

To Usama Bin Laden, the confrontation in Gaza is not a local national issue but it is part of what he coins as world Jihad against the Kuffars (infidels), or more precisely the “Crusader-Zionist enemy.”

Bin Laden: Gaza is one of the many fronts of "World Jihad"

Is Israel Doomed?

Original: Is Israel Doomed?

Israel's enemies assert that its destruction is inevitable, and those who would destroy her are cheered on by many in the West. At the same time, Western mainstream media, particularly in Europe but also major media outlets in America, do puff pieces on Israel's genocidal adversaries, slant the news to conform to her enemies' propaganda, and support the delegimitization of the Jewish state.

Is Israel Doomed?

Narcissistic Obama and Cult of Personality

Original: Narcissistic Obama and Cult of Personality

Many of us watched with disbelief how Barrack Hussein Obama decided to spend some $150 millions on his coronation at the time when the American economy was dangerously close to collapse, and prudent and hard working people were losing their retirement savings and equities in their homes.

Narcissistic Obama and Cult of Personality

Hate-Free Speech

Original: Hate-Free Speech

A threat to basic freedom has opened a new front in the war on terror. Dutch filmmaker and politician Geert Wilders is finding out what it means to yell "truth!" in a crowded theater.

Hate-Free Speech

Obama Mania Will Eventually Collide With Reality

Original: Obama Mania Will Eventually Collide With Reality

Conservatives, real conservatives, are by now thoroughly nauseated from all of the inaugural gushing and fawning over Obama.

Obama Mania Will Eventually Collide With Reality

YouTube banned videos; Is it censorship?

Original: YouTube banned videos; Is it censorship?

After numerous reports of video’s being banned from YouTube, a Google Global Company, the need for answers became paramount.  Researching the video’s that currently reside on YouTube, took quite some time, they are seemingly endless.

YouTube banned videos; Is it censorship?

Israel at War: No Guilt

Original: Israel at War: No Guilt

The world's reaction to Israel's defensive assault on Gaza was predictable and quite telling - predictable in its hostility and revealing in its utter contempt for the lives and redemptive process of the Jewish people.

Israel at War: No Guilt,Rabbi

Jay-Z And Young Jeezy Give Thanks And Sing My President’s Black

Original: Jay-Z And Young Jeezy Give Thanks And Sing My President's Black

During a show after the inauguration rapper Jay-Z gives thanks the “mother fucker overseas that threw two shoes at George Bush,” and “the mother fuckers that helped him move that shit up out of the White House.” This classy performance was at the Love Nightclub in D.C. the night of the inaugural balls. [...]

How the world was bullied into silence

Original: How the world was bullied into silence

One of the most disturbing aspects of the global warming scam is the number of prominent people and entire segments of society bullied into silence. Consider the case of Dr. Joanne Simpson described as follows.

How the world was bullied into silence

Busy, Mr. President?

Original: Busy, Mr. President?

Barack Obama has been really busy since being inaugurated on Tuesday. Sure he had to find time to retake the swearing in oath, but when that was out of the way, he went to work. He has made it painfully clear that the Bush era is over by announcing the closure of the Guantanamo Bay [...]

четверг, 22 января 2009 г.

Whatever You Do, Don't Upset the Muslims

Original: Whatever You Do, Don't Upset the Muslims

It seems lately as if all our laws can be reduced to one single law, "Whatever You Do, Don't Upset the Muslims."

Whatever You Do, Don't Upset the Muslims

Apologists of Totalitarianism: From Communism to Islam, Part I

Original: Apologists of Totalitarianism: From Communism to Islam, Part I

Charles Watson, and G.-H. Bousquet refer to Islam as a totalitarian system tout court, while Bertrand Russell, Jules Monnerot, and Czeslaw Milosz compare Islam to various aspects of communism, and finally, among others, Carl Jung, Karl Barth, Adolf Hitler, Said Amir Arjomand, Maxime Rodinson and Manfred Halpern note Islam's similarities to fascism or nazism (the latter two terms often used synonymously).

Apologists of Totalitarianism: From Communism to Islam, Part I

Inaugural Address Failed to Inspire

Original: Inaugural Address Failed to Inspire

No new president has had a grander stage on Inauguration Day upon which to imprint his vision for America than Barack Obama. The crowds were astonishingly large — certainly more than a million and some estimates were closer to two million.

Inaugural Address Failed to Inspire

Obama’s Bad Omens

Original: Obama's Bad Omens

If this were ancient Rome, Barack Obama would be huddled in a temple wondering what went wrong and the Roman Senate would be trying to choose a new Caesar.  The crowning of the liberal Sun King ran behind schedule, and that was the best omen for Obama on the day of his inauguration.

Obama’s Bad Omens

Forgetting Our Roots

Original: Forgetting Our Roots

The Founding Fathers created a government as a servant to serve its citizens. Today, the American government has become, at least for the immediate future, the master, and the citizens its servants.

Forgetting Our Roots

The Right to Defend Sovereignty

Original: The Right to Defend Sovereignty

It is written in the Declaration of Independence that “all men are created equal and that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights.”

The Right to Defend Sovereignty

Obama’s Inaugural Poem To Be Published In A Book

Original: Obama's Inaugural Poem To Be Published In A Book

The nonsensical poem by Elizabeth Alexander created for Barack Obama’s inauguration will be published in a commemorative book by Graywolf Press. The poem, titled “Praise Song for the Day: A Poem for Barack Obama’s Presidential Inauguration,” consists of 14, nonryhming three-line stanzas, and will be released as an $8 paperback 32 pages long. [...]

Protest Persecution of Geert Wilders

Original: Protest Persecution of Geert Wilders

The Amsterdam Court of Appeals ordered prosecutors to bring charges against MP Geert Wilders, claiming that he vilified and incited hatred against Muslims with his video and his speeches.

Protest Persecution of Geert Wilders

It's Official: Obama Will Fund Foreign Abortions

Original: It's Official: Obama Will Fund Foreign Abortions

One of the most outrageous and dishonest campaign websites this year was Obama's mock "Pro-Life" website paid for by George Soros.

It's Official: Obama Will Fund Foreign Abortions

More Boos Than Balls

Original: More Boos Than Balls

It will not be easy for President B. Hussein Obama. More than half the country voted for him, and yet our newspapers are brimming with snippy remarks at every little aspect of his inauguration.

More Boos Than Balls

Homegrown Jihad: Terrorist Camps Around the U.S.

Original: Homegrown Jihad: Terrorist Camps Around the U.S.

The Christian Action Network (CAN) has produced an important new film about the 35 para-military training camps in 22 states in  the U.S. and Canada.

Homegrown Jihad: Terrorist Camps Around the U.S.

Beyond Belief

Original: Beyond Belief

Despite years of media bombardment about the imminent dangers of global warming, the alarmists are losing ground. Fewer Americans are buying into the myth.

Beyond Belief

Conservatism's Dilemma: To be or not to be in the GOP

Original: Conservatism's Dilemma: To be or not to be in the GOP

The GOP heavily (almost exclusively) relies on conservatives for grassroots campaign workers and financial support. But the Republican Party has a long history of exploiting conservatives' efforts and misusing conservatives' financial contributions.

Conservatism's Dilemma: To be or not to be in the GOP

Bush Considered

Original: Bush Considered

A disinterested appraisal of Bush administration foreign policy will take years. For millions on the Left, events in Iraq, Guantánamo, and New Orleans rendered the 43rd president an ill-omened phantasma—omnipotent, ubiquitous, and responsible for all mischief big and small.

Bush Considered

Gaza Children Sacrificed to a Malevolent God

Original: Gaza Children Sacrificed to a Malevolent God

Thousands of years ago, in the Middle East, cradle not just of civilization but of many gods, was a deity named Moloch. Today, he would be considered a pagan god by those of the one God of Abraham, with whom he long coexisted.

Gaza Children Sacrificed to a Malevolent God

Running and Ruining America for the Benefit of China

Original: Running and Ruining America for the Benefit of China

On CNN on January 16, Lou Dobbs, perhaps the most honest and outspoken major media commentator, told the truth about the Wall Street bailout. “Treasury Secretary Paulson basically used the money to bail out his buddies on Wall Street, and don’t let anybody kid you,” he said.

Running and Ruining America for the Benefit of China

Breitbart takes the pledge

Original: Breitbart takes the pledge

The inspired Hollywood celebrities who take "the presidential pledge" in the video below have provoked Andrew Breitbart into taking his own pledge. Breitbart pledges to ridicule Hollywood celebrities who refuse to recognize we are at war with people who want to kill them, too.

Breitbart takes the pledge

Republicrats Flock to Obama

Original: Republicrats Flock to Obama

The new year has already witnessed an unseemly rush on the part of some Republicans to cozy up to President Barack Obama. Sucked in by the lights, the parties, the adoring fans, and of course the fawning "paparazzi," these politicians have traded loyalty to the convictions of their constituents for pilgrimage to kiss the ring of the one whom Farrakhan called "the messiah." 

Republicrats Flock to Obama

Chavista Fascist Repression on the Rise

Original: Chavista Fascist Repression on the Rise

This is how it starts. Right after Castro took over, people were encouraged to go and beat up demonstrators. It was common to hear a communist say to another citizen, "I could shoot ritht now and nothing would happen. Houses belonging to the dissidents would get egged and people would get beaten by their own neighbors-if you don't believe me, go look on youtube.

Chavista Fascist Repression on the Rise

Any Volunteers for National Service?

Original: Any Volunteers for National Service?

Barack Obama's national-service plan purports to be voluntary, yet nonparticipating schools would lose funding, and uncooperative individuals would be denied tax credits.

Any Volunteers for National Service?

President Oxybarama

Original: President Oxybarama

This half-Luo tribesman from Hawaii whose African father had no connection whatsoever with the West African ancestors of American slaves, was not imbued, but rather hued, with significance. His melanin carried the meaning, which is to say that he was judged by the color of his skin rather than the content of his character, in a precise reversal of Martin Luther King Jr's famous phrase.

President Oxybarama

среда, 21 января 2009 г.

Benediction Prayer Calls For Whites To Embrace What Is Right

Original: Benediction Prayer Calls For Whites To Embrace What Is Right

The Reverend Joseph Lowery gave the Benediction prayer at Barack Obama’a Inauguration today, and he called for whites to “embrace what is right.” Toward the end of his long prayer Reverend Lowery asks the, “Lord, in the memory of all the saints who from their labors rest, and in the joy of a [...]

You can have DC... I'm heading to the beach!

Original: You can have DC... I'm heading to the beach!

In an interesting story by the Associated Press, it appears that some Republicans are trading in the cold of Washington, DC for warm, sunny beaches to escape Inauguration Day. That's not a bad idea considering that today is such a vivid reminder of how things went off track for the conservative movement, and how much work there is to do to get things back on track.

You can have DC... I'm heading to the beach!

Job Approval Ratings For Modern Day Presidents

Original: Job Approval Ratings For Modern Day Presidents

Here is a link to Job Approval Ratings For Modern Day Presidents.

5 Reasons Why Obama Isn’t FDR

Original: 5 Reasons Why Obama Isn't FDR

Obama has been touted as the next FDR with his stimulus package to mimic that of the New Deal following the Great Depression. Though Obama desires to stimulate the economy in much the same way as the late Roosevelt, he’s got some huge roadblocks in his way.

5 Reasons Why Obama Isn’t FDR

Digital World: I Digg Israel

Original: Digital World: I Digg Israel

There's been a lot of buzz on how supporters of Israel "discovered" Facebook as a means to tell this country's side of the story in the Gaza conflict. But I haven't seen too much about using social-book-marking sites, like Digg.com or Reddit. And that's a shame, because those sites have a much greater potential reach, with a more sophisticated and intelligent audience.

Digital World: I Digg Israel

President Obama’s Inaugural Address Part 2

Original: President Obama's Inaugural Address Part 2

President Obama’s Inaugural Address Part 2;

Barack Obama Sworn in As 44th President

Original: Barack Obama Sworn in As 44th President

Barack Obama Sworn in As 44th President;

Is GOP Still a National Party?

Original: Is GOP Still a National Party?

As President Barack Obama delivers his inaugural address to a nation filled with anticipation and hope, the vital signs of the loyal opposition appear worse than worrisome.

Is GOP Still a National Party?

President Obama’s Inaugural Address Part 1

Original: President Obama's Inaugural Address Part 1

President Obama’s Inaugural Address Part 1; Obama’s Inaugural Address: The Full Text.

понедельник, 19 января 2009 г.

The Bush Legacy

Original: The Bush Legacy

Whatever history's verdict on the Bush administration might be, it is likely to be very different from what we hear from the talking heads on television or read from the know-it-alls on editorial pages.

The Bush Legacy

Know Islam, No Peace... No Islam, Know Peace

Original: Know Islam, No Peace... No Islam, Know Peace

When politically correct and culturally diverse societies agree to "the reasonable" Muslim demands for their        "religious rights," they also get the other components under the table. Here's how it works (percentages source  CIA: The World Fact Book (2007)).

Know Islam, No Peace... No Islam, Know Peace

Today Is National Sanctity of Life Day

Original: Today Is National Sanctity of Life Day

I see in the news where people are flocking to Washington D.C. to celebrate some big event. Bono is going to sing, Rick Warren is going to pray, and there are only 5 port-a-potties for seven million people. I never knew we would be so excited to celebrate President Bush’s proclamation for the National Sanctity of Life Day:

Today Is National Sanctity of Life Day

Why Do Homosexuals Want to Serve in the Military? For Sex, Of Course

Original: Why Do Homosexuals Want to Serve in the Military? For Sex, Of Course

Within days of becoming president, Bill Clinton sought to eliminate the long-standing prohibition against homosexuals enlisting into military service. His proposal met such stark opposition from within the ranks of the military that he was forced to compromise with the “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy.

Why Do Homosexuals Want to Serve in the Military? For Sex, Of Course

Most Networks Skip Story of Obama's Socialist Global Warming Czar

Original: Most Networks Skip Story of Obama's Socialist Global Warming Czar

Fox News on Wednesday continued to be one of the very few media outlets covering the fact that Barack Obama's new "global warming czar" has ties to socialist groups. While all three network morning shows ignored the story, "Fox News Live" host Megyn Kelly interviewed climate change skeptic Senator James Inhofe on the subject.

Most Networks Skip Story of Obama's Socialist Global Warming Czar

Man-Made CO2 Can’t Cause Global Warming; It Doesn’t Have the Mojo

Original: Man-Made CO2 Can't Cause Global Warming; It Doesn't Have the Mojo

To be an agent of greenhouse heating, carbon dioxide (or any) atmospheric gas would have to be capable of absorbing in significant quantities both the sun’s radiation spectrum (the ultimate source of natural heating on Earth) and of absorbing heat radiating back from the Earth (the greenhouse effect).

Man-Made CO2 Can’t Cause Global Warming; It Doesn’t Have the Mojo

Obama To Push Gay Agenda On The Military

Original: Obama To Push Gay Agenda On The Military

As Barack Obama prepares to be sworn in as commander in chief on January 20, homosexual-rights activists are gleeful about changes he will bring to the armed services.

Obama To Push Gay Agenda On The Military

Video of crash landing,

Original: Video of crash landing,

Hero airbus pilot Chesley Sullenberger: 'We're gonna be in the Hudson'

Predatory Politicians Destructive Leftwing Policies

Original: Predatory Politicians Destructive Leftwing Policies

In the midst of the economic crisis and the wake of the Paulson bailout, the mainstream media have begun publishing obituaries for the free market. The elite press has begun to trumpet “the end of American-style capitalism” and “the bankrupt dogma of Reagan-Thatcherism.”

Predatory Politicians Destructive Leftwing Policies

Obama prayer leader from group US linked to Hamas

Original: Obama prayer leader from group US linked to Hamas

A Muslim scholar chosen to speak at President-elect Barack Obama's inaugural prayer service Wednesday is the leader of a group that federal prosecutors say has ties to terrorists.

Obama prayer leader from group US linked to Hamas

Jimmy Carter: Hamas Stooge

Original: Jimmy Carter: Hamas Stooge

Besieged by Israeli forces and rebuked by its Arab League allies, Hamas has seen the worst of the recent fighting in Gaza. But however bleak their present fortunes, the terrorists still have a faithful friend in ex-president Jimmy Carter.

Jimmy Carter: Hamas Stooge

Common Sense Americanism

Original: Common Sense Americanism

Every two years the leadership of the U.S. House of Representatives introduces a new set of rules to govern the body. Normally, this event passes with barely a yawn from the public. But the changes pushed through on Tuesday by Democrats will have real-world consequences for fiscal conservatives of both parties.

Common Sense Americanism

FULL TEXT of President Bush Proclamation of Sanctity of Life Day

Original: FULL TEXT of President Bush Proclamation of Sanctity of Life Day

All human life is a gift from our Creator that is sacred, unique, and worthy of protection. On National Sanctity of Human Life Day, our country recognizes that each person, including every person waiting to be born, has a special place and purpose in this world. We also underscore our dedication to heeding this message of conscience by speaking up for the weak and voiceless among us.

FULL TEXT of President Bush Proclamation of Sanctity of Life Day

Illegal Immigrants and Families Making $61K Could Qualify for Federal Help Under SCHIP

Original: Illegal Immigrants and Families Making $61K Could Qualify for Federal Help Under SCHIP

The State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), the federal program designed to extend health coverage to the nation’s poorest children, would allow legal immigrants and middle class children – those from families making over $61,000 per year – access to a program originally intended for the poorest of the poor.

Illegal Immigrants and Families Making $61K Could Qualify for Federal Help Under SCHIP

Let's Be Real... Obama Is No Lincoln He's Just a Typical Copperhead

Original: Let's Be Real... Obama Is No Lincoln He's Just a Typical Copperhead

All of these Lincoln comparisons really need to stop.
Cut-and-run Obama is no Abe Lincoln.
He's just your typical

Homosexual Bishop Gene Robinson to Pray at Barack Obama Inaugural Event

Palin jealous of Caroline Kennedy?

Original: Palin jealous of Caroline Kennedy?

Caroline Kennedy will learn this week if she will be selected to replace Hillary Clinton in the US Senate. Her long weeks of lobbying now over, but her campaign has not been without hiccups. Now Sarah Palin is throwing in her 2 cents, for anyone that will listen. Palin is wondering if this might be ‘class [...]

How Conservatives Lose Elections

Original: How Conservatives Lose Elections

It would seem that in recent years conservative candidates in both Israel and the U.S. have forgotten how to win an election.

How Conservatives Lose Elections

Europe Reimports Jew Hatred

Original: Europe Reimports Jew Hatred

Give Giancarlo Desiderati credit for his unintellectual honesty. While most left-wing detractors of Israel claim their animosity toward the Jewish state has nothing to do with anti-Semitism, the head of a small Italian union, Flaica-Uniti-Cub, wasted no time with such sophism. Having long called for a boycott of Israeli goods, Mr. Desiderati last week made the logical next step. "Do not buy anything from businesses run by the Jewish community," his group's Web site urged Italians.

Europe Reimports Jew Hatred


Original: $825,000,000,000.00

Keith Olbermann, sportscaster turned liberal genius, who left ESPN “under a cloud of controversy,” was making cow eyes at Chris Matthews, the host of the wildly popular PMSNBC show “Noballs” and former “Carter Communist Club” “speechwriter.” Both liberals wearing their traditional skirts and wonder bras, are still getting “a thrill running up my leg,” about the next Socialist Svengali intent upon destroying the nation and both couldn’t resist one last opportunity to beat around the Bush.


воскресенье, 18 января 2009 г.

President George W. Bush Farewell Speech - Part 1

Original: President George W. Bush Farewell Speech - Part 1

The root causes of the Gaza conflict in less than 6 minutes

Original: The root causes of the Gaza conflict in less than 6 minutes

Forget everything the mainstream media tells you about the "cycle of violence" and the "peace process." The conflict in the Middle East boils down to one issue; the imposition of Islam upon the world. Hamas, as a Muslim Brotherhood affiliate, is perfectly open about its desire for a global Islamic caliphate. Such an enemy by definition can never be appeased, and must be destroyed.

The root causes of the Gaza conflict in less than 6 minutes

President George W. Bush Farewell Speech - Part 2

Original: President George W. Bush Farewell Speech - Part 2

суббота, 17 января 2009 г.



With Israel entering its fourth week of an incursion into the same Gaza Strip it voluntarily evacuated a few months ago, a sense of reality among Arabs is spreading through commentary by Arab pundits, letters to the editor, and political talk shows on Arabic-language TV networks. The new views are stunning both in their maturity and in their realism. The best way I can think of to convey to them is in the form of a letter to the Palestinian Arabs from their Arab friends. (from Iris)


The Rule of the Green Czar

Original: The Rule of the Green Czar

Carol Browner, Barack Obama’s nominee for energy-environment “czar,” didn’t preside over the pardons of terrorists in the 1990s; she doesn’t owe thousands in back taxes; and she isn’t mired in an ongoing investigation. She is, however, a card-carrying socialist who used public office for political pressure and was accused of presiding over a department that treated intelligent African-Americans as “uppity.”

The Rule of the Green Czar

Italians support Israel in its fight against barbarism and tyranny

Original: Italians support Israel in its fight against barbarism and tyranny

The change of attitude is great: the dictatorial religious nature of Hamas and the democratic, civilized nature of Israel are seen face to face for what they are at least by the European elite at large, dead and wounded notwithstanding, and there rises an identification with Israel against a regime that uses human shields and promises slaughters of Jews in its charter.

Italians support Israel in its fight against barbarism and tyranny

Resistance is Survival

Original: Resistance is Survival

As 2009 begins, a new administration assumes power in Washington D.C., and world events continue to illustrate the global threat of Islamic supremacism, we must continue to focus on our efforts in preparedness, planning, and persistence in defending equality and liberty. The responsibility to defend equality and liberty against Islamic supremacism is not an option for a free society; it is fundamental to our very survival.

Resistance is Survival

How Foreign Crime Gangs Establish Their Identities

Original: How Foreign Crime Gangs Establish Their Identities

A Washington Post story about a Korean organized crime ring -- operating within driving distance of our nation’s capital -- reveals how these groups are involved in a wide-variety of criminal enterprises designed to create illegal revenue flows.

How Foreign Crime Gangs Establish Their Identities

Hamas' dead baby strategy

Original: Hamas' dead baby strategy

The Hamas "dead baby" strategy - to cause as many civilian casualties as possible by firing its deadly rockets from schools and densely populated areas - is producing understandable outrage around the world. What is not understandable is why the outrage is directed against Israel, which is a victim of this strategy, rather than against Hamas, which is its perpetrator.

Hamas' dead baby strategy

Miliband critizing Bush.

Original: Miliband critizing Bush.

Finally, we have a politician who dares to say publicly what most of them are thinking; Bush’s war on terror was a mistake. Speaking in Dubai, David Miliband, the British Foreign Secretary, said that by declaring ‘war on terror’ President Bush had forced extremists to unite against the west. Mr. Miliband continued on to say [...]

Academic Jew-Hater

Original: Academic Jew-Hater

As it proceeds with Operation Cast Lead, Israel is under attack on two fronts. While Hamas-fired rockets bombard southern Israel, foreign critics condemn Israel’s defensive reprisal as a human rights atrocity against the Palestinians.

Academic Jew-Hater

Roots of the Gaza Conflict

Original: Roots of the Gaza Conflict

Understanding the reasons why the Palestinians chose violence over peace requires connecting the dots from the behavior of Muslim states back to the laws of Islam: Sharia. Mainstream Sharia books define Jihad as: "to war against non-Muslims to establish the religion." (Shafi’i Sharia o9.0). Jihad is not just the duty of the individual Muslim, but it is also the main duty of the Muslim head of State (the Calipha):

Roots of the Gaza Conflict

Immigrants ravage U.S. infrastructure

Original: Immigrants ravage U.S. infrastructure

The United States will need $1.6 trillion to repair damage to its infrastructure from a massive influx of immigrants, a new report reveals.

Immigrants ravage U.S. infrastructure

The Big Money Behind Geithner

Original: The Big Money Behind Geithner

A guy who can’t figure out his own taxes is supposed to fix the economy? This is the absurd rationale being offered by media figures such as Andrea Mitchell of NBC News for confirming Timothy Geithner as Obama’s Treasury Secretary after it was disclosed that he was a serial tax evader

The Big Money Behind Geithner

пятница, 16 января 2009 г.

Hamas’s Man

Original: Hamas's Man

Besieged by Israeli forces and rebuked by its Arab League allies, Hamas has seen the worst of the recent fighting in Gaza. But however bleak their present fortunes, the terrorists still have a faithful friend in ex-president Jimmy Carter.

Hamas’s Man

Old Words, New Meanings

Original: Old Words, New Meanings

As the new year starts, its time for all good citizens to update and revise their vocabulary to reflect the new, improved, politically-correct definitions of certain words and phrases.

Old Words, New Meanings

Barack Obama’s Big Expensive Day Out

Original: Barack Obama's Big Expensive Day Out

Barack Obama’s inauguration which starts rolling on Saturday will be the most expensive inauguration in history dwarfing the cost of other Presidents. Carole Florman, a spokesperson for the joint congressional committee on inaugural ceremonies, claimed the estimated cost to be about $160 million. In contrast, it cost George W. Bush [...]

If I Wrote For The Huffington Post - Give Geese A Chance

Original: If I Wrote For The Huffington Post - Give Geese A Chance

In the wake of the events of 1-15, in which a wedge of Geese brought down a US Airways aircraft, here’s what you won’t be hearing about from the so-called “Mainstream Media”: We brought this on ourselves.

After an event such as this one, it’s important to look at the root causes: Why did the Geese attack us? Well, the truth is, for years we have been oppressing the Geese, using them for the fuel they provide for our bodies.

If I Wrote For The Huffington Post - Give Geese A Chance

The Moral Confusion in the West

Original: The Moral Confusion in the West

Last Sunday in  "A Landmark: the Moment of Infamy we reported on an outrage in Duisburg, Germany in which the police - in order to deescalate a explosive situation with a raving pro Hamas crowd - broke in and entered the private premises of a Israeli sympathizer in order to remove two 'offensive' Israeli flags (see the post for video footage of the event).

The Moral Confusion in the West

Japanese Report Disputes Human Cause for Global Warming

Original: Japanese Report Disputes Human Cause for Global Warming

The Japanese Society of Energy and Resources (JSER) has published a new study on the causes of Global Warming. Entitled, "Global warming: What is the scientific truth?”, the report highlights the differing views of five prominent Japanese scientists.

Japanese Report Disputes Human Cause for Global Warming

Why We Fight

Original: Why We Fight

This is by way of a friendly response to the estimable Jay Nordlinger, Senior Editor at the likewise estimable National Review.  Jay wrote a strong column yesterday openly saying what I’ve been hearing many conservatives express tacitly ever since the election.  Reflecting on the media’s disgraceful distortion of the characters of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Sarah Palin, he wrote:

Why We Fight

Move to repeal presidential term limits started

Original: Move to repeal presidential term limits started

Maybe I’m just being too cynical, but somehow I doubt that Rep. José Serrano introduced HJ Res 5 in order to allow George W Bush to run for a third term in office.  One week ago, the New York Democrat introduced a measure to repeal the 22nd Amendment, which provides the only term limit on federal office — the Presidency.  The amendment, added in 1951, restricts anyone from seeking a third term in office, and Serrano wants that repealed.

Move to repeal presid

Why Are We In Afghanistan Again?

Original: Why Are We In Afghanistan Again?

Here is a good video from the film makers against war that explains the British history with Afghanistan narrated by British socialist politician Tony Benn;

четверг, 15 января 2009 г.

Obama's Preferred Future Spy Chief Leon Panetta Supported Communist-Linked Anti-CIA Think Tank

Original: Obama's Preferred Future Spy Chief Leon Panetta Supported Communist-Linked Anti-CIA Think Tank

Leon Panetta, president-elect Barack Obama's choice for future chief of the CIA, previously strongly sympathized with the "Institute for Policy Studies" (IPS), a Washington based leftist think tank known for its bitter opposition to the intelligence community, notably the CIA. As a member of Congress Panetta supported the IPS's "Coalition for a New Foreign and Military Policy Line" in 1983.

Panetta Supported Communist-Linked Anti-CIA Think Tank

We Don't Love the Smell of Napalm in the Morning

Original: We Don't Love the Smell of Napalm in the Morning

I went to an "Israel Solidarity Gathering for Peace" at a local synagogue. The title says it all. This was not a rally, but a gathering. (No, we do not want to get anybody fired up or pumped up.) This was to be a quiet gathering of intelligent, prosperous, and respectful people. From the look in the room there were no people there who could wield a weapon or throw a punch. They don't even want to know such a person.

We Don't Love the Smell of Napalm in the Morning

Israel’s Fight For Survival

Original: Israel's Fight For Survival

Israel’s fight for survival is not only against Hamas, Hezbollah, and their state sponsors Syria and Iran. Equally formidable, if more insidious, are those in the West whose virulent hatred of Israel imperils her existence.

Israel’s Fight For Survival

Economic Jihad: $700 Billion Bail-Out Aids Oil Rich Arab Sheikhs

Original: Economic Jihad: $700 Billion Bail-Out Aids Oil Rich Arab Sheikhs

Oh, you Muslims everywhere, sever the ties of their nation, tear them apart, ruin their economy, [and] instigate against their corporations.—Blind Sheikh Abdel Rahman, principal architect of the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center

Economic Jihad: $700 Billion Bail-Out Aids Oil Rich Arab Sheikhs

Strategic Collapse at the Army War College

Original: Strategic Collapse at the Army War College

If you know your enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.

This famous maxim by the ancient Chinese general Sun Tzu is familiar to every student of military science and strategy. His counsel is simple: understand your enemy, understand yourself. Nearly eight years after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, however, important segments of our military infrastructure dedicated to training and educating the next generation of military leaders have woefully failed to heed Sun Tzu’s advice.

Strategic Collapse at the Army War College

Will Texas Show the Way for the GOP?

Original: Will Texas Show the Way for the GOP?

While Republicans around the country are licking their wounds and advocacy groups are bombarding us all with press releases about how they have the secret formula for bringing the Republican Party back from the brink of the abyss, politicians in Texas are quietly making changes which may define the future of the GOP.

Will Texas Show the Way for the GOP?

Globalists 'salivating' over collapse of U.S.

Original: Globalists 'salivating' over collapse of U.S.

Globalists are "salivating" over the possibility of a Constitutional Convention at which issues such as the 2nd Amendment could handily be dismissed, according to a leader who warns Virginia likely is the next target for the drive.

Globalists 'salivating' over collapse of U.S.

American public backs Israel firmly in war with Hamas

Original: American public backs Israel firmly in war with Hamas

As Palestinian casualties mount in the Gaza Strip , the American people are squarely behind Israel and overwhelmingly think that using force against Hamas is appropriate, according to a new McClatchy / Ipsos poll.

American public backs Israel firmly in war with Hamas

You Can’t Have Your Chaos and Eat it Too

Original: You Can't Have Your Chaos and Eat it Too

As the son of a multi-millionaire giddily dabbles in drugs, crime, and wanton sex trusting no harm will actually come to him owing to his father’s vast influence and power, so Westerners have -with increasing recklessness - romanticized and flirted with Chaos over the past forty years.

You Can’t Have Your Chaos and Eat it Too

среда, 14 января 2009 г.

The Real Connection between Iran and Hamas

Original: The Real Connection between Iran and Hamas

Iran’s active state sponsorship of Middle East terrorist groups is well documented, from terrorist
and insurgent groups in Iraq and Afghanistan to Hizballah in Lebanon and Hamas and PIJ in the West Bank and Gaza.

The Real Connection between Iran and Hamas

Senate Republicans Need to Demand Re-Examination on Global Warming

Original: Senate Republicans Need to Demand Re-Examination on Global Warming

On the question of global warming control, the confirmation hearings for President-Elect Obama's choices for environmental leadership posts present a critical juncture for the future of America and the world.

Senate Republicans Need to Demand Re-Examination on Global Warming

Supreme Court Might Change Civil Rights Law

Original: Supreme Court Might Change Civil Rights Law

The Supreme Court served notice Friday it may make a far-reaching change in civil rights law this year and knock down a pair of long-standing rules that give special protections to minorities in the workplace and in the voting booth.

Supreme Court Might Change Civil Rights Law

Obama's Climate Czar's Green Socialism

Original: Obama's Climate Czar's Green Socialism

Until last week, Carol M. Browner, President-elect Barack Obama's pick as global warming czar, was listed as one of 14 leaders of a socialist group's Commission for a Sustainable World Society, which calls for "global governance" and says rich countries must shrink their economies to address climate change.

Obama's Climate Czar's Green Socialism

Naming Things by their Right Names

Original: Naming Things by their Right Names

The gnomic philosopher and father of the “Logos” tradition, Heraclitus of Ephesus, says in what scholarship usually arranges to be the first of his surviving fragments that the man of wisdom has a dual duty to discern the essence of every significant thing and to name it properly.

Naming Things by their Right Names

Tell a Lie Often Enough, It Becomes the Truth

Original: Tell a Lie Often Enough, It Becomes the Truth

Propaganda has always been a powerful tool for government’s intent on spreading lies and deceptive information to the world. Used as an easy and effective way to disseminate doctored realities to suit a specific purpose, Israel has always found itself looking down the barrel of a shotgun of untruths and smear campaigns.

Tell a Lie Often Enough, It Becomes the Truth

Parade of Fools Set to Descend on Washington

Original: Parade of Fools Set to Descend on Washington

Next week the liberals will troop to Washington en masse to celebrate the inauguration of President Barack Hussein Obama. But not satisfied with having won the election and expanded their power in the House and Senate, the loonier leftist extremists are committed to putting their peculiar brand of nitwittery on parade throughout the inaugural festivities.

Parade of Fools Set to Descend on Washington

Afghan war can't be won by foreigners

Original: Afghan war can't be won by foreigners

FOOTAGE of roadside ambushes and rocket attacks such as the one that killed Australian soldier Gregory Sher in Afghanistan last week might seem like macabre subject matter. But DVDs of these attacks on foreign troops are hot sellers in the bazaars of Pakistan's tribal areas where, it is claimed, the Taliban provide al-Qa'ida with a haven.

Afghan war can't be won by foreigners

Is Time Rooting for Israel’s Defeat?

Original: Is Time Rooting for Israel's Defeat?

Has Time magazine joined the ranks of Hamas and come out in favor of the destruction of Israel? Probably not, but what else is a reader to think after just the first couple paragraphs of this Tim McGirk story from last week?

Is Time Rooting for Israel’s Defeat?

PROOF: Obama is a Socialist!

Original: PROOF: Obama is a Socialist!

The rumors have been rampant since the beginning of the 2008 election cycle, Barack Obama is a Socialist.  Denials have also been as rampant and the sequestering of Barack's past became the full time employ of the media and their democratic cohorts. 

Obama is a Socialist!

'Qualifying fireams'

Original: 'Qualifying fireams'

Despite assurances to the contrary, some democrats are champing at the bit to institute citizen disarmament, and like impulsive children, can't even wait for their guy to be inaugurated.

'Qualifying fireams'

вторник, 13 января 2009 г.

'Beware, we are coming!'

Original: 'Beware, we are coming!'

Ibrahim Al-Maqdasi, "We want to inform Bush and our rivals about our real intentions. We will establish Islamic rule from Alaska and Chile to South Africa, and from Japan to Russia. Beware, we are coming."

'Beware, we are coming!'

Remembering Fr. Richard John Neuhaus

Original: Remembering Fr. Richard John Neuhaus

Richard John Neuhaus has passed away at 72, a great loss for the church, for America, and for the cause of freedom. The obits covered his storied career, his work with the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., his influential books such as The Naked Public Square, his editorship of First Things, and his conversion to Catholicism.

Remembering Fr. Richard John Neuhaus

†Lawfare:’ Another Weapon in the Jihad Against Israel

Original: 'Lawfare:' Another Weapon in the Jihad Against Israel

Led by non-government organizations (NGOs) with an obsessive mission of hobbling Israel, this new “soft” assault on the Jewish state has been termed “lawfare,” what the Council of Foreign Relations defined in 2003 as “a strategy of using or misusing law as a substitute for traditional military means to achieve military objectives.”

‘Lawfare:’ Another Weapon in the Jihad Against Israel

Soros Flunky Runs Obama’s Pro-U.N. Policy

Original: Soros Flunky Runs Obama's Pro-U.N. Policy

In violation of Barack Obama’s promise to run an open and transparent transition to the next administration, an associate of convicted document thief Sandy Berger has been secretly meeting with far-left groups under the auspices of the Obama-Biden Transition Project to develop a range of pro-U.N. policies.

Soros Flunky Runs Obama’s Pro-U.N. Policy

Obama’s Gitmo dilemma.

Original: Obama's Gitmo dilemma.

Two of Barack Obama’s advisers have told the AP news agency that he will order an issue to close the controversial prisoner camp during his first week in office. This pledge comes just a day after Obama seemed to back track from his campaign promise of a speedy closure, saying that the termination of the [...]

Undermining Our Sovereignty from Without & Within

Original: Undermining Our Sovereignty from Without & Within

The first amendment to the United States Constitution expressly prohibits the United States Congress from making laws that infringe on the freedom of the press. While it should be expected that those elected to the legislature have at least a basic understanding of the Bill of Rights, this is not necessarily the case.

Undermining Our Sovereignty from Without & Within

Annals of Global Warming

Original: Annals of Global Warming

Al Gore, where are you?

Slovenia with record low temperature -49

Slovenian Media have reported recommendations of the meteorological institute of Germany, which alarms over the risks of having piercings – the metal earrings on people’s body could cause dangerous freezing.

Annals of Global Warming

All Aboard The Anti-Israel Hate Train

Original: All Aboard The Anti-Israel Hate Train

It was only too predictable that once Israel launched its "Operation Hamas Wipe-out," attacks against Jews would once again escalate across Europe. Jewish people have been attacked in   Britain — oh, what a big surpise! — France, Denmark and Sweden.

All Aboard The Anti-Israel Hate Train

Every Vote Should be Counted, but Franken Votes Count Twice

Original: Every Vote Should be Counted, but Franken Votes Count Twice

The ridiculousness of the Minnesota Senatorial election between Al Franken and Norm Coleman has reached its height, and the Wall Street Journal has been doing an excellent job of chronicling the details of how a close election can be stolen.

Every Vote Should be Counted, but Franken Votes Count Twice

The coming Ice Age

Original: The coming Ice Age

Plenty of people e-mailed me the latest from Pravda, a warning that the Earth will shortly enter a new Ice Age and that we’d all better start learning from Minnesotans how to deal with cold weather …. really cold weather.

Pravda: The coming Ice Age

воскресенье, 11 января 2009 г.

'Puberty blockers' pushed on children

Original: 'Puberty blockers' pushed on children

The sexualization of tots in diapers has been ongoing since Alfred Kinsey bragged of infant orgasms in 1948, kicking off Playboy's infant-and-child sex vignettes in 1954. After the late 1960s, schoolhouse administrators increasingly trained children in Planned Parenthood texts to engage in "outlet" sex, homosexuality, bisexuality and pornography use.

'Puberty blockers' pushed on children

The CNN strategy

Original: The CNN strategy

As Israel persists in its military efforts -- by ground, air and sea -- to protect its citizens from deadly Hamas rockets, and as protests against Israel increase around the world, the success of the abominable Hamas double war crime strategy becomes evident.

Alan Dershowitz: The CNN strategy

NASA: 2012 'space Katrina' may cripple U.S. for months

Original: NASA: 2012 'space Katrina' may cripple U.S. for months

A recently released NASA report warns that the U.S. has forgotten the power of the sun, creating a technological society susceptible like never before to massive infrastructure damage from solar storms.

NASA: 2012 'space Katrina' may cripple U.S. for months

Pill inventor slams ... pill

Original: Pill inventor slams ... pill

Eighty five year old Carl Djerassi the Austrian chemist who helped invent the contraceptive pill now says that his co-creation has led to a "demographic catastrophe."

Pill inventor slams ... pill

суббота, 10 января 2009 г.

Mr. Gore: Apology Accepted

Original: Mr. Gore: Apology Accepted

You are probably wondering whether President-elect Obama owes the world an apology for his actions regarding global warming. The answer is, not yet. There is one person, however, who does. You have probably guessed his name: Al Gore.

Harold Ambler: Mr. Gore: Apology Accepted

European Union Rewrites History

Original: European Union Rewrites History

The European Union is slowly trying to rewrite history to its own benefit. We have the President of the Parliament's own little vanity project, the House of European History, which is causing controversy, and we have the Euro Clio project, with its slightly sinister subset Connecting Europe.

Lightfoot v. Bowen (SCOTUS docket page). Investigating Obama (I.O.) interviewed Lightfoot lead attorney Orly Taitz at 2:20pm CT today, minutes after she learned of this move.

Chief Justice Roberts calls conference on Obama challenge

Racial preferences -- the plot thickens

Original: Racial preferences -- the plot thickens

The Supreme Court has decided to review the Second Circuit's decision in Ricci v. DeStefano. In that case, New Haven firefighters -- one Hispanic and more than a dozen whites -- sued the city after they were denied promotion because the city disregarded the results of its own test for determining who would be promoted.

Power Line - Racial preferences -- the plot thickens

Government Policies Stifle Talk of Islam

Original: Government Policies Stifle Talk of Islam

When President Roosevelt addressed Congress after Pearl Harbor, he cited Japan fifteen times in a speech of five hundred words. When President Bush did the same after 9/11, he uttered “Islam” or “Muslim” more sparingly — just eleven times in a speech of three thousand words. And when Senators Obama and McCain spoke at the respective conventions and

ABC Special Searches for 'Ugly Americans'; Anti-immigrant Bigotry

To Your Battle Stations, Conservatives

Original: To Your Battle Stations, Conservatives

Too many Americans have succumbed to the propaganda that the market is inherently evil and fraught with excesses fueled by "capitalistic greed" and that such systemic corruption has led to our economic woes. Only large-scale government intervention can rescue us from this pernicious system.

To Your Battle Stations, Conservatives -- David Limbaugh