воскресенье, 30 ноября 2008 г.

Disney accused by Catholic cleric of corrupting children's minds

Original: Disney accused by Catholic cleric of corrupting children's minds

A leading Catholic cleric has launched a fierce attack on Disney, claiming it has corrupted children and encouraged greed.

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Calls on Americans to embrace Islam

Original: Calls on Americans to embrace Islam

Al-Qaida's No. 2 leader appeared in a new video posted Friday calling on Americans to embrace Islam to overcome the financial meltdown, which he said was a consequence of the Sept. 11 attacks and militant strikes in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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суббота, 29 ноября 2008 г.

Google 'censoring' anti-Obama bloggers

Original: Google 'censoring' anti-Obama bloggers

Pamela Gellar of Atlas Shrugs claims the search engine giant has banned her groundbreaking articles about Obama – a technique many people refer to as "sandboxing."

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Campaign warns Americans about looming Shariah code

Original: Campaign warns Americans about looming Shariah code

Shariah, or Islamic law, may be spreading around the world, but it isn't going to be established in the United States without opposition, vow members of the United American Committee.

Officials with the non-profit have erected a 48-foot-long billboard just outside of Detroit, home to one of the largest groups of Muslims in the U.S.

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пятница, 28 ноября 2008 г.

The New Faces of Islamofascism (Definitely NOT Mainstream Islam)

Original: The New Faces of Islamofascism (Definitely NOT Mainstream Islam)

Here are the new faces of Islamofascism courtesy of Afghanistan Taliban terrorists.

These school children committed the crime of trying to get an education. Their punishment was through a bunch of cowardly Islamofascists on motorbikes who squirted acid at the children’s faces.

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Stealth Jihad Busted In the U.S. -- Will Vigilance Remain Eternal In Obama Administration?

Original: Stealth Jihad Busted In the U.S. -- Will Vigilance Remain Eternal In Obama Administration?

Meanwhile, the Federal government (the post-9/11 one created by "eight years of George Bush's failed policies") is prosecuting a group of Muslim men who were training in the United States for an attack on US military personnel (and their DoD civilian counterparts) at Fort Dix, New Jersey:

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Socialist Republic

Original: Socialist Republic

Barack Obama and George W. Bush seem to have come away from their study of the Great Depression with similar conclusions:

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Campaign warns Americans about looming Shariah code

Original: Campaign warns Americans about looming Shariah code

Shariah, or Islamic law, may be spreading around the world, but it isn't going to be established in the United States without opposition, vow members of the United American Committee.

Officials with the non-profit have erected a 48-foot-long billboard just outside of Detroit, home to one of the largest groups of Muslims in the U.S.

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Flight 93: No, the Mecca-orientation of the Crescent of Embrace is NOT a product of the landform

Original: Flight 93: No, the Mecca-orientation of the Crescent of Embrace is NOT a product of the landform

Defenders of the Flight 93 memorial repeatedly insist that the Mecca orientation of the giant crescent HAS to be a coincidence. It is completely determined, they insist, by the landform, the path of Flight 93, and the impact point, leaving no room for intent to enter.

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U.S. war on drugs has failed, report says

Original: U.S. war on drugs has failed, report says

The United States' war on drugs has failed and will continue to do so as long as it emphasizes law enforcement and neglects the problem of consumption, a Washington think tank says in a report co-chaired by a former president of Mexico.

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четверг, 27 ноября 2008 г.

Digging their own grave?

Original: Digging their own grave?

I went shopping today, in order to do my bit to counteract the global crisis and help the ailing retail business. It was really hard! Even though most shops have a mid-season sale on, it was difficult to part with much money. It seems most shops have adopted the same tactics; mid-season sale and cheap [...]

среда, 26 ноября 2008 г.

As the World Turns - Against Obama

Original: As the World Turns - Against Obama

Throughout the course of the election, one of the many reasons given why we should vote for Barack Obama was that the world loves him, and if he is president, the world will have a different view of the United States.

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Certification of Live Birth a clear forgery

Original: Certification of Live Birth a clear forgery

The media bought it. The voters bought it. And now some in Congress are resisting the idea of congressional hearings because they believe that Barack Obama's "birth certificate" has been posted online.

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Obama's one-trick wizards

Original: Obama's one-trick wizards

One wants to ask the Wall Street wizards who comprise the talent pool for the incoming administration, "If you so smart, how come you ain't rich no more?"

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Eminent Threat To Our Sovereignty

Original: Eminent Threat To Our Sovereignty

I do not want to sound like an alarmist.  I know there are some who will say that the only reason I feel this way is because I am a sore loser.

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White Ethnocentrism: Can Americans Really Be Brainwashed?

Original: White Ethnocentrism: Can Americans Really Be Brainwashed?

One of the great intellectual divides is the venerable nature/nurture dichotomy.

Conservatives tend to be on the side of nature:

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A Wake-Up Call to Conservatives

Original: A Wake-Up Call to Conservatives

Edmund Burke once said, “All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.”

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The Great Birth Certificate Scandal/Cover-Up of †08

Original: The Great Birth Certificate Scandal/Cover-Up of '08

Last week, newscasters reported that al Qaeda’s #2 terrorist disparaged the election of Barack Obama, and hurled racial slurs at Obama himself. “The report has not been confirmed by the State Department,” they all said, but they reported it anyway.

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Jessica "Washingtonienne" Cutler Engaged, Presumably Monogamous :: JAWA Report

Original: Jessica "Washingtonienne" Cutler Engaged, Presumably Monogamous :: JAWA Report

Only very very very old readers will recognize the name Jessica Cutler or Washingtonienne. We had some good times at Jessica's expense back in the day.

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Liberalism Never Sleeps

Original: Liberalism Never Sleeps

Businesses that politicians deem vital to the national interest aren't being allowed to fail in America today, and the bigger they are, the more help they get from the government.

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The Great Media Coup

Original: The Great Media Coup

To anyone who paid attention to election news other than what's on TV, there's not the slightest question that the mainstream media were wholeheartedly in support of Mr. Obama's candidacy, to the point of engaging in wanton disregard of fairness, decency, truth, dignity, our country's future, or their own reputations.

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Ten Random, Politically Incorrect Thoughts

Original: Ten Random, Politically Incorrect Thoughts

1. Four years of high-school Latin would dramatically arrest the decline in American education. In particular, such instruction would do more for minority youths than all the 'role model' diversity sermons on Harriet Tubman, Malcolm X, Montezuma, and Caesar Chavez put together.

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Global Warming Predictions Overestimated-- Its a Hoax

Original: Global Warming Predictions Overestimated-- Its a Hoax

The oceans have been cooling since 2003.
Sea ice is growing at the fastest pace on record.
There are growing fears of a coming freeze worse than the ice age.
And, for the second straight year the Earth is, in fact, cooling... not warming

Why the Barack Obama Birth Certificate Issue Is Legitimate

Original: Why the Barack Obama Birth Certificate Issue Is Legitimate

Does this Barack Obama birth certificate issue bug you because, although improbable, it's possible that he's not a natural born citizen, isn't eligible to be President under the Constitution, and this issue could be bigger than Watergate -- or any other "gate" in history?

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вторник, 25 ноября 2008 г.

Certification of Live Birth a clear forgery

Original: Certification of Live Birth a clear forgery

The media bought it. The voters bought it. And now some in Congress are resisting the idea of congressional hearings because they believe that Barack Obama's "birth certificate" has been posted online.

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The Great Birth Certificate Scandal Cover-Up of 2008

Original: The Great Birth Certificate Scandal Cover-Up of 2008

This week, newscasters reported that al Qaeda’s #2 terrorist disparaged the election of Barack Obama, and hurled racial slurs at Obama himself. “The report has not been confirmed by the State Department,” they all said, but they reported it anyway.

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Must Conservatives Rally Round the Messiah?

Original: Must Conservatives Rally Round the Messiah?

Soon Barack Obama will be inaugurated as our president. His victory was a major happening and had coattails. Indeed, the Republican Party was handed a massive defeat.

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Ten Random, Politically Incorrect Thoughts

Original: Ten Random, Politically Incorrect Thoughts

1. Four years of high-school Latin would dramatically arrest the decline in American education. In particular, such instruction would do more for minority youths than all the 'role model' diversity sermons on Harriet Tubman, Malcolm X, Montezuma, and Caesar Chavez put together.

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Coming To A Neighborhood Near You… Or Else

Original: Coming To A Neighborhood Near You… Or Else

Sorry if some of this appears to be alarmism. Ask a few citizens of Great Britain if they could take back a few things disguised as ”tolerance”, knowing then what they know now…?

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Wall Street and the Rise of Obama

Original: Wall Street and the Rise of Obama

Joe Biden made headlines by talking about a “generated crisis” for President Obama. But is the current financial meltdown another “generated crisis?” Why did this crisis suddenly occur only six weeks before the election?

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A Libertarian Defense of Social Conservatism

Original: A Libertarian Defense of Social Conservatism

Social conservatism is taking a beating lately.  Not only did it lose in the recent elections, it is being blamed for the Republican losses.  If only the religious right would get off the Republican Party's back, the GOP could win like it is supposed to again.  I beg to differ.

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Mein Kampus

Original: Mein Kampus

College has long been bigoted toward conservatives.  We have all seen it in the elevation of relatively untalented radical Leftists like Angela Davis, Ward Churchill, and William Ayers to professorships while genuine conservative scholars like Newt Gingrich were denied tenure.

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The Narrow Path to Reviving Conservatism

Original: The Narrow Path to Reviving Conservatism

In their typically duplicitous fashion, Republican “moderates” who orchestrated this latest electoral catastrophe are once again blaming the lingering vestige of conservatism in the McCain campaign as the factor that ultimately doomed its prospects.

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Obama, King of Fools

Original: Obama, King of Fools

It is a defining indicator that the embarrassing, self inflicted dumbing down of America is all but complete when people vote against their own self-interest.

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The Great Birth Certificate Scandal/Cover-Up of †08

Original: The Great Birth Certificate Scandal/Cover-Up of '08

Last week, newscasters reported that al Qaeda’s #2 terrorist disparaged the election of Barack Obama, and hurled racial slurs at Obama himself. “The report has not been confirmed by the State Department,” they all said, but they reported it anyway.

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To: Electoral College, Congress of the United States, Federal Elections Commission, U.S. Supreme Court, President of the United States, other controlling legal authorities ...

Sign it here ...

The new world devised by Maurice Strong and George Soros

Original: The new world devised by Maurice Strong and George Soros

Have you ever wondered how capitalism was pushed over the edge of the cliff just six weeks before the American presidential election?

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Liberalism Never Sleeps

Original: Liberalism Never Sleeps

Businesses that politicians deem vital to the national interest aren't being allowed to fail in America today, and the bigger they are, the more help they get from the government.

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Holy Land Charity Guilty on 108 Counts!!

Original: Holy Land Charity Guilty on 108 Counts!!

Over a year after escaping the first trial because of a declared mistrial the Holy Land Foundation was finally found guilty of 108 counts of funneling money to the Hamas terrorist organization in Palestine.

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Calculating the next depression

Original: Calculating the next depression

It's remarkable to see how quickly mainstream economists have gone from declaring a new age of permanent global prosperity to apocalyptic predictions of doom, gloom and financial Ragnarok.

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понедельник, 24 ноября 2008 г.

Will desperation save us all?

Original: Will desperation save us all?

To me it seems like a slightly desperate act to lower the VAT by 2.5%, as it is reportedly expected to be in Alistair Darling the British chancellors pre-budget speech. In my mind it is just going to reinforce the idea that buying worthless crap is really the meaning of life. But, at least this is [...]

пятница, 21 ноября 2008 г.

The Coming "War" Between the Obama Administration and the Catholic Church

Original: The Coming "War" Between the Obama Administration and the Catholic Church

The possible signing of the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) by President-Elect Barack Obama would be "the equivalent of a war" an unnamed senior Vatican official recently told TIME magazine. 

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четверг, 20 ноября 2008 г.

With all eyes on Obama, Port of Los Angeles security under control of Chinese President’s son

Original: With all eyes on Obama, Port of Los Angeles security under control of Chinese President's son

With all eyes on the Big O’s Office of the President-elect, very few know that the Port of Los Angeles--the nation’s largest--is now effectively under the control of the Peoples Republic of China.

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Phoenix Imam Tells Muslims To Disregard U.S. Laws

Original: Phoenix Imam Tells Muslims To Disregard U.S. Laws

“A Muslim must try his best to abide by the rulings of Sharia [Islamic law] whenever possible as much as he can. He should not allow himself to be liable to those western laws that contradict the clear-cut Islamic rulings.”

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We Have Become A Nation Of Thieves

Original: We Have Become A Nation Of Thieves

Evil acts can be given an aura of moral legitimacy by noble-sounding socialistic expressions such as spreading the wealth, income redistribution or caring for the less fortunate. Let's think about socialism.

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Has Al Qaida sunk as low as Julian Bond, Harry Belafonte and Al Sharpton?

Original: Has Al Qaida sunk as low as Julian Bond, Harry Belafonte and Al Sharpton?

Hard to believe that Al Qaida has sunk as low as what has been allowed to pass for “leadership” in the African-American community!

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Obama Appoints Castro's Lawyer as White House Counsel

Original: Obama Appoints Castro's Lawyer as White House Counsel

Among the throng of Clinton regime retreads recruited for the Obama administration we find Gregory Craig. Craig served as Obama's advisor on Latin American during the campaign, and was appointed last week as chief White House Counsel.

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Don’t Drink the Kool-Aid on Jonestown

Original: Don't Drink the Kool-Aid on Jonestown

Thirty years ago today more than 900 followers of Jim Jones committed "revolutionary suicide" by drinking cyanide-laced Flavor-Aid.

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The Emerging Threat to Conservative Talk Radio

Original: The Emerging Threat to Conservative Talk Radio

Despite President-elect Obama’s claim that he will not seek a new “Fairness Doctrine” to silence conservative voices in the media, commentators are bracing for a battle over their free speech rights under the First Amendment.

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Bill Ayers Never-Ending Rehabilitation of his Terrorist Years

Original: Bill Ayers Never-Ending Rehabilitation of his Terrorist Years

In his never-ending publicity tour, Bill Ayers is transforming himself into a contemporary “hero” of the  “progressive” movement. Just look at the transcript of the interview he and Bernardine Dohrn gave to Amy Goodman on her Democracy Now television program.

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Durban II: An Early Test

Original: Durban II: An Early Test

Less than three months after Barack Obama will be sworn in as the next president of the United States, he will have to decide whether or not to participate in a replay of the ignominious hatefest known as the United Nations Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, held in Durban, South Africa in 2001.

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The Bank Terrorist

Original: The Bank Terrorist

Bruce Marks, founder of the leftist Neighborhood Assistance Corp. of America, makes a good living shaking down banks for loans to deadbeat borrowers that he thinks are entitled to homes.

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The Obama Fairness Doctrine

Original: The Obama Fairness Doctrine

Just three days after the election, a Brookings Institution leader issued a memo to President-elect Barack Obama asking him to restore the Fairness Doctrine.

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Barack + Hillary = a better world.

Original: Barack + Hillary = a better world.

For all of us who wanted Hillary Clinton to win the primaries and be where Barck Obama is now is hoping and praying that he will appoint her as Secretary of State. That must be one of the strongest teams the US has had for a long, long time. Let’s see what the recent past [...]

Where Did the Reagan Voters Go in the 2008 Election?

Original: Where Did the Reagan Voters Go in the 2008 Election?

Where did the super-majority of votes gathered by Ronald Reagan in his presidential campaigns go in 2008?  Can they be reclaimed by future Republican candidates?

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A Pyrrhic propaganda victory in Rome?

Original: A Pyrrhic propaganda victory in Rome?

On the face of it, Pope Benedict XVI seems to have handed an enormous propaganda victory to the Muslim scholars who met with Catholic leaders in Rome on November 4-7.

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Former Obama Opponent Suing Over Citizenship

Original: Former Obama Opponent Suing Over Citizenship

Alan Keyes, who ran against Barack Obama for his Illinois Senate seat in 2004, has emerged from relative obscurity to haunt Obama over questions regarding citizenship and Obama's eligibility to serve as President of the United States.

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вторник, 18 ноября 2008 г.

Social Conservatives as Scapegoats

Original: Social Conservatives as Scapegoats

To listen to some Republicans, not to mention, the braying of media outlets such as MSNBC, and even, here and there, a few economic libertarians, you would think that traditional conservatives, the defenders of the unborn and the integrity of marriage as a venerable and ancient institution, were responsible ...

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Internet †Rightroots’ Key to GOP Revival

Original: Internet 'Rightroots' Key to GOP Revival

In 1980, Ronald Reagan won a remarkable victory and launched an era of Republican dominance. The ascendancy of Reagan and the Right was predicated on “a desire for less government interference or less centralized authority or more individual freedom.” Reagan called it “the basis of conservatism.” That idea resonated with the American public in 1980.

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†Right-Wing Rage’ = Left-Wing Projection

Original: 'Right-Wing Rage' = Left-Wing Projection

Since the election, the left has alternately gloated, pleaded for conservatives and liberals to pull together to help Barack Obama in the name of unity, or shamelessly carped about “right wing rage.”

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Conservatives Who Cry 'Socialism' Should Acknowledge Role They've Played In What Government Has Become

Original: Conservatives Who Cry 'Socialism' Should Acknowledge Role They've Played In What Government Has Become

Conservatism's current intellectual chaos reverberated in the Republican ticket's end-of-campaign crescendo of surreal warnings that big government — verily, "socialism" — would impend were Democrats elected.

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News Demonstrates The Predictable Result of Allowing The Feckless and Feral to Fornicate

Original: News Demonstrates The Predictable Result of Allowing The Feckless and Feral to Fornicate

If you knew nothing about Britain and went by what you read in the current headlines over here, you might very well conclude that the neglect, beating, torture and even killing of young children was as much a British tradition as high tea.

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Wall Street Socialism Paves Way for Global Government

Original: Wall Street Socialism Paves Way for Global Government

Now that Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson has essentially admitted that his Wall Street bailout plan isn’t working, it’s worthwhile to examine the fawning media coverage he received when he pressured President Bush and Congress into approving it.

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DeMint Ignites GOP Cleanup

Original: DeMint Ignites GOP Cleanup

Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) has another task this week besides challenging spending proposals in Congress’ lame duck session: cleaning up his party’s governing rules in the Senate.

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You Only Need to Kill One

Original: You Only Need to Kill One

Bush is incapable of being an ideological leader. On September 12th he should have declared political Islam to be the enemy of all kafir civilization. In doing so, he would have only repeated what was in the Koran and the Sunna of Mohammed. Instead, his blindness made him create a logical impossibility-a war without an enemy.

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Obama Declares War on Conservative Talk Radio

Original: Obama Declares War on Conservative Talk Radio

Barack Obama sought to silence his critics during his 2008 campaign.  Now, with the ink barely dry on this November's ballots, Obama has begun a war against conservative talk radio.

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Predatory Politicians Destructive Leftwing Policies & the Roots of the Housing Crisis

Original: Predatory Politicians Destructive Leftwing Policies & the Roots of the Housing Crisis

In the midst of the economic crisis and the wake of the Paulson bailout, the mainstream media have begun publishing obituaries for the free market.

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An undemocratic agenda, part 1

Original: An undemocratic agenda, part 1

The proposed legislation that a Democratic Congress with enhanced Democratic majorities stands poised to pass ranges from the destructive to the abominable and the tyrannical. Indeed, much of it -- like, for example, the Fairness Doctrine -- is all of the above.

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Slavery and the Founders

Original: Slavery and the Founders

Our Founding Fathers fully recognized and completely understood that the issue of slavery was the one great flaw in the founding of America. George Washington, in 1786 wrote concerning slavery, "there is not a man living who wishes more sincerely than I do to see a plan adopted for the abolition of it."

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Global Socialists Toast Victory over America By Cliff Kincaid

Original: Global Socialists Toast Victory over America By Cliff Kincaid

The American people may be losing their jobs and savings, but on Friday night, on the eve of the international financial summit, they provided President Bush and other G20 leaders a lavish banquet that included $300-a-bottle wine, Vermont Brie, eggplant fondue, and rack of lamb.

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Welcome to the new Sunday `World of the Global Citizen’

Original: Welcome to the new Sunday `World of the Global Citizen'

All is quiet on the Western Front today, even though world governments taking virtual control of world economies is now complete.

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понедельник, 17 ноября 2008 г.

Hillary as Secretary of State?

Original: Hillary as Secretary of State?

They tried to keep it low key, but soon enough, the world heard about Barack Obama's meeting with Hillary Clinton in Chicago. It came as no surprise as he would have been mad not to ask her to join his administration, with her experience and good bipartisan relationships. Hillary Clinton has extensive foreign policy experience [...]

пятница, 14 ноября 2008 г.

Saudi Arabia to lead UN talks on religious tolerance By Neil MacFarquar

Original: Saudi Arabia to lead UN talks on religious tolerance By Neil MacFarquar

"It's like apartheid South Africa having a conference at the UN on racial harmony," said Ali Al-Ahmed, a Shiite Muslim dissident from Saudi Arabia based in Washington.

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A stark warning to Britons.

Original: A stark warning to Britons.

Mervyn King, the Bank of England's governor, has warned that 'people should be concerned' about the difficult times ahead. He said that interest rates might have to be cut to an all time low below 2 percent to help Britain's ailing economy. Mr. King even indicated that the Bank of England was prepared to cut [...]

Worrying Signs from Border Raids By Fred Burton and Scott Stewart

Original: Worrying Signs from Border Raids By Fred Burton and Scott Stewart

Last week, the Mexican government carried out a number of operations in Reynosa, Tamaulipas, aimed at Jaime "El Hummer" Gonzalez Duran, one of the original members of the brutal cartel group known as Los Zetas. According to Mexican government officials, Gonzalez Duran controlled the Zetas' operations in nine Mexican states.

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Foreigners Victorious In Obama’s Election By Martin Kelly

Original: Foreigners Victorious In Obama's Election By Martin Kelly

To a British citizen, one of the recent U.S. Presidential election’s most interesting aspects has been the staggering lack of shame with which foreigners have sought to engage themselves in the USA’s electoral processes.

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The Left's Invisible Constitution By Brett Joshpe

Original: The Left's Invisible Constitution By Brett Joshpe

In order to deepen my understanding of the judicial mindset that might dominate throughout the Barack Obama administration, I read The Invisible Constitution, a new book written by esteemed Harvard Law professor, constitutional attorney and Obama legal advisor, Laurence Tribe.

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четверг, 13 ноября 2008 г.

Whose Speech is Hate Speech? by Robert Spencer

Original: Whose Speech is Hate Speech? by Robert Spencer

“You must destroy the West” -- so said a speaker at a recent conference in London. The conference featured Islamic leaders openly calling for the overthrow of the British government and the establishment of an Islamic state in Britain -- under the noses of British authorities who, just days before the conference, had announced a new crackdown against “hate speech” and “extremist” preaching.

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Obama to Inherit “New Global Order” from Bush By Cliff Kincaid

Original: Obama to Inherit "New Global Order" from Bush By Cliff Kincaid

The bankruptcy of Iceland, now receiving a $2.1 billion two-year loan from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) “to support an economic recovery program,” has been depicted as something that could never happen to America. Is the U.S. too big to fail? Or is the U.S. going through the same process, albeit on a slower basis?

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Mexico's War: The Iraq Next Door By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY

Original: Mexico's War: The Iraq Next Door By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY

The accelerating drug war in Mexico cries out for more attention. The horrific violence signals something already too big for Mexico to fight alone. It will spread north. The U.S. can't afford to wait.

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The Party-Controlled Press By Peter Ferrara

Original: The Party-Controlled Press By Peter Ferrara

In the old Soviet Union, everything was controlled by the Party, the Communist Party. Even military units each had their own party commissar, to ensure no activities took place that were not in the interest of the Party.

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The Missing Obama Landslide By Ben-Peter Terpstra

Original: The Missing Obama Landslide By Ben-Peter Terpstra

The results are in: Obama 52 percent. McCain 46 percent. The "Obama Landslide" is pure fiction. Republicans have no reason to move to Harper's Canada (this year) although Berlusconi's conservative Italy looks simply divine.


Yes, They Can ... Impose Sharia Law By Frank J. Gaffney Jr.

Original: Yes, They Can ... Impose Sharia Law By Frank J. Gaffney Jr.

This week, there is growing evidence that people who have in mind doing away with the presidency of the United States - and all other aspects of our secular, democratic and constitutional form of government - are similarly convinced of their inevitable success.

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Open Letter on the Genocide of Afrikaaners By Adriana Oosthuysen-Stuijt

Original: Open Letter on the Genocide of Afrikaaners By Adriana Oosthuysen-Stuijt

The international human rights organisation Genocide Watch already warned in 2003 of the in their view, a ‘secret Boer genocide’ taking place in the South African countryside.

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Worse than Socialism By Bruce Walker

Original: Worse than Socialism By Bruce Walker

During the presidential campaign and in the post-election analysis many conservatives have lamented impending socialism.

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How Barack Obama Will Ensure His Victory in 2012 By Selwyn Duke

Original: How Barack Obama Will Ensure His Victory in 2012 By Selwyn Duke

Even before the election, with the realization that a Barack Obama presidency lay on the horizon, many saw a silver lining in the cloud that drifted into Washington, DC, from the left coast.  "The right will be re-energized," many thought, "and we'll have a better Republican candidate and improved prospects in 2012."

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среда, 12 ноября 2008 г.

Broun says Obama 'Marxist' By Donnie Fetter

Original: Broun says Obama 'Marxist' By Donnie Fetter

U.S. Rep. Paul Broun attacked President-elect Barack Obama's agenda as "Marxist" and derided some fellow Republicans for abandoning conservative principles during a speech in Augusta on Friday, his first since being re-elected in Georgia's 10th District.

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Too Little Political Competition in America By Joel Hirschhorn,

Original: Too Little Political Competition in America By Joel Hirschhorn,

Set aside any Obama euphoria you feel. The other important news is that third-party presidential candidates had a miserable showing this year, totaling just over one percent of the grand total with 1.5 million votes nationwide, compared to some 123 million votes for Barack Obama and John McCain.

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The Constitution still matters By Janet Porter

Original: The Constitution still matters By Janet Porter

Hold on. Just a minute. Not only was there no landslide and no mandate, there was no election. The Electoral College doesn't even vote until Dec. 15. And there's one thing that may stand in their way from affirming last Tuesday's popular vote: the Constitution.

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The Knoxville Horror with a Twist—Four Black Marines Murder Interracial Couple In Winchester, CA By Nicholas Stix

Original: The Knoxville Horror with a Twist—Four Black Marines Murder Interracial Couple In Winchester, CA By Nicholas Stix

These are the best of times for white-hating black women. They can openly proclaim their beliefs, and be rewarded and praised for them, (like author Denene Millner whose The Sistahs' Rules stands Read ...

London fundraisers linked to stoning of 13-year-old :: WorldNetDaily

Original: London fundraisers linked to stoning of 13-year-old :: WorldNetDaily

Girl tells Shariah court of rape, convicted, executed for adultery.

Britain's MI6 intelligence service has identified a group that raises funds with impunity in London as the organization whose militia members in Somalia imposed a death sentence on a 13-year-old rape victim, according to a report from Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin.

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Shame on The New Yorker By Ron Radosh

Original: Shame on The New Yorker By Ron Radosh

Shame on The New Yorker and its editor David Remnick for playing a role in the attempt of Bill Ayers and his publisher to resurrect both Ayers’ book and his reputation.




The question was put to me with stark simplicity. “What was it all for?” asked the elderly lady, a wistful look in her eyes.

“The country that they died for has gone,” she continued, glancing down at the red poppy on her lapel.

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The Change You’ll Get By Clifford D. May

Original: The Change You'll Get By Clifford D. May

Who says you can't have it all? The Democrats, the Left, now have the White House, control of both houses of Congress, a majority of governors' mansions, a majority of state legislatures, the entertainment media, the elite news media, the unions, the educational establishment, the lion's share of the philanthropic community and increasing power over the courts.

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Mexico Will Lobby Obama for Open Border Migration :: RSN

Original: Mexico Will Lobby Obama for Open Border Migration :: RSN

Mexican Secretary of Exterior Relations, Patricia Espinosa Cantellano, said that when Barak Obama becomes president, Mexico will reassert its contention that his agenda include an immigration agreement as a priority.  In addition, other aspects of dialogue to be addressed are the fight against organized crime and the economic competitiveness with other regions. 

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Hamas Claims Relationship with Obama Aides By Hana Levi Julian

Original: Hamas Claims Relationship with Obama Aides By Hana Levi Julian

Hamas is claiming close and ongoing ties with America's upcoming Obama Administration, according to a report published Tuesday in the Arabic-language newspaper Al-Hayat. The relationship was kept under wraps until after the US elections so as not to harm Obama’s election prospects.

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(D.) for Vendetta :: WSJ

Original: (D.) for Vendetta :: WSJ

The champagne is barely off the ice and Democrats are already celebrating their new majorities by punishing a few heretical colleagues. In almost every sense, John Dingell and Joe Lieberman are loyal Democrats. But Mr. Dingell is holding down the party's right flank on energy, and Mr. Lieberman in foreign affairs. Now they're targets, and the retribution speaks volumes about the direction of liberal politics.

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вторник, 11 ноября 2008 г.

I Am Proud to Be a Conservative By Vincent Gioia

Original: I Am Proud to Be a Conservative By Vincent Gioia

There is no equivalent of ACORN on the right, nor is there any counterpart of the black caucus, the NAACP, the ACLU, or the multitude of other groups designed to exert inordinate influence on government.

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Restoring Reaganism By Deroy Murdock

Original: Restoring Reaganism By Deroy Murdock

The GOP has been laid low, thanks to politicians who swapped their principles for power and lost both. As the chief electoral vehicle for conservative and free-market ideas, the Republican party cannot regain America’s confidence —nor should it — until the guilty have been cast into the nearest volcano.

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Obama Win Causes Obsessed Backers To See How Empty Lives Are

Original: Obama Win Causes Obsessed Backers To See How Empty Lives Are

From The Onion;

What is Diversity Snobbery? By Ian Jobling

Original: What is Diversity Snobbery? By Ian Jobling

Conservative pundits are justifiably indignant about media bias in the current election. Victor Davis Hanson catalogs the numerous failures to take Obama to task over his questionable associations, his inconsistent positions on the issues, and his unwise redistributionist fiscal proposals.

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Shariah Compliant Finance: "Jihad with money" :: RSN

Original: Shariah Compliant Finance: "Jihad with money" :: RSN

While America struggles with the sub-prime and credit market crisis, Shariah Islamic Finance, also known as Shariah-Compliant Finance, is quickly infiltrating our financial markets – and bringing Islamic shariah law with it.

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Smart Ideas and a New Contract... by: Matt Lewis

Original: Smart Ideas and a New Contract... by: Matt Lewis

To win the future, conservatives must -- in my opinion -- also find ways to make our timeless classical liberal principles relevant to the 21st century.  This, in my estimation, is the most important intellectual discussion we can engage in for the next months (or possibly years). 

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"I Want to Get Involved" by: Erick Erickson

Original: "I Want to Get Involved" by: Erick Erickson

I've been inundated with emails from people across the country who say they want to get involved. They are asking how to become a part of army of activists that the right will need to reorganize and re-engage against the left.

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The Cowardly Criticism Of Sarah Palin By MICHELLE MALKIN

Original: The Cowardly Criticism Of Sarah Palin By MICHELLE MALKIN

Sunken ships loosen bitter lips. The failed McCain campaign, for all its high-minded talk of honor, duty and courage, is now teeming with unscrupulous gossipmongers.

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A Time For Purging By: Robert E. Meyer

Original: A Time For Purging By: Robert E. Meyer

On election night, just after Barack Obama was declared the President-elect, Fox News interviewed Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan, who is thought to be a rising star within the ranks of the GOP.

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The Real Obama according to his masters By Judi McLeod

Original: The Real Obama according to his masters By Judi McLeod

Well it didn’t take long.  Less than one week after the U.S. election, here comes One World Government right on cue.

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The Financial “Rescue” that Bankrupted America By Cliff Kincaid

Original: The Financial "Rescue" that Bankrupted America By Cliff Kincaid

It is the story of our lifetimes: a financial crisis is underway and getting worse. As the recession deepens, our jobs and savings are threatened, and our children and grandchildren will probably live in a country with lower living standards and fewer opportunities than what we have enjoyed.

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GOP Can Play By "McCain Rules" And Lose, Or "Sailer Rules" And Win By Steve Sailer

Original: GOP Can Play By "McCain Rules" And Lose, Or "Sailer Rules" And Win By Steve Sailer

Not surprisingly, McCain actually turned out to be a pretty awful candidate. That he still got 46 percent of the vote attests more to the value of the brand than to his performance.

McCain’s was essentially a vanity candidacy, driven by little more than his assumption that his own personal awesomeness entitled him to be President.

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Where Is Conservative Culture? by Helen Smith

Original: Where Is Conservative Culture? by Helen Smith

The election is over and everywhere you turn, people are saying that the Republican brand sucks, conservatives are on the way out, and free markets are over.

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China's Path to World Power by Patrick J. Buchanan

Original: China's Path to World Power by Patrick J. Buchanan

Great nations do not have trade partners. They have trade competitors and rivals. Trade surpluses are superior to trade deficits. Tariffs on foreign goods are preferable to taxes on U.S. producers. Manufacturing, not finance, is the muscle of the nation.

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No British Obama.

Original: No British Obama.

After the historic election of Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the United States , the head of Britain 's equality watchdog has claimed that Britain is not ready to do the same. This is not due to racism from the British voters, but from within the political parties. Trevor Phillips is the chairman of [...]

Surrendering the West :: Freedom’s Cost

Original: Surrendering the West :: Freedom's Cost

Now that Putin is showing himself as being on course to rebuild the former empire of the USSR, should America ask his help on how to strengthen its own position around the world? Should the West ask Osama bin Laden for some pointers on protecting itself against Islamic terrorism?

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70 Years Since Kristallnacht :: It Came From Within

Original: 70 Years Since Kristallnacht :: It Came From Within

On November 9, 1938, the Nazis unleashed a series of riots against the Jews in Germany and Austria. In the space of a few hours, thousands of synagogues and Jewish businesses and homes were damaged or destroyed. For the first time, tens of thousands of Jews were sent to concentration camps simply because they were Jewish.

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One More Time... NY Times Leaks Information on Secret Strikes Against Al-Qaeda :: Gateway Pundit

Original: One More Time... NY Times Leaks Information on Secret Strikes Against Al-Qaeda :: Gateway Pundit

The NY Times published another report on secret military operations today.
Of course, this information was fed to the paper by anonymous sources like all of the other secret operations they reported these last 8 years.

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The Death of the American Idea By Mark Steyn

Original: The Death of the American Idea By Mark Steyn

Give me liberty or give me death!”
“Live free or die!”
What's that? Oh, don't mind me. I'm just trying out slogans for the 2012 campaign and seeing which one would get the biggest laughs

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Nazis, Communists and Islamists - The Extremes Often Touch By EMERSON VERMAAT

Original: Nazis, Communists and Islamists - The Extremes Often Touch By EMERSON VERMAAT

Seventy years ago, on November 9, 1938, the Nazis burnt down synagogues and smashed windows of Jewish shops. It was the notorious "Night of Broken Glass" ("Kristallnacht"). Nearly one hundred Jews were murdered, about 25,000 Jews were deported to concentration camps.

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A New Political Party Is Needed by Joel S. Hirschhorn

Original: A New Political Party Is Needed by Joel S. Hirschhorn

Third-party presidential candidates had a miserable showing this year, totaling just over one percent of the grand total with 1.5 million votes nationwide, compared to almost 123 million votes for Barack Obama and John McCain.

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понедельник, 10 ноября 2008 г.

One More Time... NY Times Leaks Information on Secret Strikes Against Al-Qaeda :: Gateway Pundit

Original: One More Time... NY Times Leaks Information on Secret Strikes Against Al-Qaeda :: Gateway Pundit

The NY Times published another report on secret military operations today.
Of course, this information was fed to the paper by anonymous sources like all of the other secret operations they reported these last 8 years.

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Obama Nation: The FOCA Abomination by Charles W. Fairbanks

Original: Obama Nation: The FOCA Abomination by Charles W. Fairbanks

The current economic crisis will end.  The recession will come to an end.  They always do.  During the economic crisis and the recession, the threats to human life still exist, and they will still be there when the good economic times return.  Behind the chaos of the election and the economic crisis lurks the greatest threat to innocent human life since the invention of partial birth abortion.

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Shariah Compliant Finance: "Jihad with money" :: RSN

Original: Shariah Compliant Finance: "Jihad with money" :: RSN

While America struggles with the sub-prime and credit market crisis, Shariah Islamic Finance, also known as Shariah-Compliant Finance, is quickly infiltrating our financial markets – and bringing Islamic shariah law with it.

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How Do Conservatives Promote New Leaders for 2010 and 2012? :: Right Truth

Original: How Do Conservatives Promote New Leaders for 2010 and 2012? :: Right Truth

I heard this question on the news, "How will Republicans promote potential party leaders for upcoming elections, especially since they will not get any positive press from the mainstream media?"

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America's Silent Genocide :: Musings from the Elephant Man

Original: America's Silent Genocide :: Musings from the Elephant Man

As appetizing as it might be to discuss some current events, I want to dedicate this post to a subject that is very near and dear to my heart . . . America's silent genocide . . . abortion.

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NUMB! by papundits

Original: NUMB! by papundits

The results of this election have left me numb.
It was a dream where things happen as you just stand there and watch, and can’t do anything about. Call it ’surreal’.

On September 11, 2001 America was struck by terrorists. The damage, horror of watching bodies jumping to their deaths, was shocking, a true nightmare, and left us all running for our lives. How can we forget?

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GOP Prepares for New Culture War by Donald Douglas

Original: GOP Prepares for New Culture War by Donald Douglas

One of the most interesting electoral outcomes last Tuesday was the passage in Arkansas of a ballot measure prohibiting the adoption of children by unmarried couples. The underlying goal of the initiative was to prevent homosexual couples from raising children in the state.

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Conservatism & The Obamanation :: Nietzsche is Dead

Original: Conservatism & The Obamanation :: Nietzsche is Dead

We are still a nation where conservatives (34%) outnumber liberals (22%). 40% are up for grabs, and the Democratic party has been attracting them by sounding conservative (Talk right, vote left).

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Obama victory -- best firearms marketing plan ever

Original: Obama victory -- best firearms marketing plan ever

As Gun Rights Examiner David Codrea writes in his own take on this issue, "Across the nation, gun sales are up. The cause is attributed to fear over what new citizen disarmament edicts a Barack Obama presidency will bring."

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Obama Starts Selling Out Israel ALREADY !!! By Yid With Lid

Original: Obama Starts Selling Out Israel ALREADY !!! By Yid With Lid

Presidential-elect Barack Obama has promised to improve U.S. relations with Egypt and Syria. Aides said Obama had sent senior foreign policy adviser Robert Malley to Egypt and Syria over the last few weeks to outline the Democratic candidate's policy on the Middle East.

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Exporting Abortion :: Bride of Rove

Original: Exporting Abortion :: Bride of Rove

Let me begin by saying that, with the election of Obama, whole sale death is now unleashed. I think people only saw the “Pro-Choice” movement as an American issue and they believed that Obama could only affect abortion rights in the United States. This was one aspect of the battle, but the true scope of the war is world-wide. The goal is to fund abortion and groups advocating abortion everywhere here on Earth with U.S. tax dollars.

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Academic Elitists and Pseudo Intellectuals - Arrogance Ad Nauseam :: Liberally Conservative

Original: Academic Elitists and Pseudo Intellectuals - Arrogance Ad Nauseam :: Liberally Conservative

Professor Mark Lilla of Columbia University is one of the more recent individuals to come out to insult Governor Sarah Palin. Nothing like using your “intellectual” time to pile on to not only Mrs. Palin, but Conservatives as an entire group and average Americans as a whole.

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Bill Ayres Comes Out of the Woodwork By Barbara Sowell

Original: Bill Ayres Comes Out of the Woodwork By Barbara Sowell

Last week it was Jeremiah Wright who burst back on to the national scene casting himself in the role of a victim. Now it’s Bill Ayres’ turn have his say. Anything these two men could have to say can only bedevil the Barack Obama transition team.

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воскресенье, 9 ноября 2008 г.

America's Third Republic? By Harold Kildow

Original: America's Third Republic? By Harold Kildow

Theodore Lowi, a political science eminence at Cornell University, years ago drew a bead on what was wrong with the American polity. In his The End of Liberalism: The Second Republic of the United States, he claimed that the Founder's constitution of 1787 had been surreptitiously replaced with a new one by the FDR administration, and no one had actually noticed it for seventy-plus years. 

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Obama to appoint talk radio's executioner? :: WorldNetDaily

Original: Obama to appoint talk radio's executioner? :: WorldNetDaily

Democrat Henry Rivera, a former commissioner of the Federal Communications Commission, is expected to head President-elect Barack Obama's FCC transition team, a move that has sparked fear in media circles that the Fairness Doctrine may return to silence conservative talk radio.

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Your Children Belong To The State, Comrades :: SUNLIT UPLANDS

Original: Your Children Belong To The State, Comrades :: SUNLIT UPLANDS

We were accused of being irresponsible and vitriolic when we suggested that the incoming national regime will be fascist and abusive of individual liberty. But only days after the election, the new regime has made clear their intentions -- all American youths will be required to become the indentured servants of the state. They will learn before they finish high school that they exist to serve the almighty state.

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суббота, 8 ноября 2008 г.

FoxNews running with mainstream media wolf pack By Judi McLeod

Original: FoxNews running with mainstream media wolf pack By Judi McLeod

It’s two days after the US presidential election, and the mainstream media is still shoveling out the propaganda.

Having gotten away with calling a predicted landslide that never happened, they’re now elevating two-day-old, USA President-Elect Barack Hussein Obama as…”President of the World”. 

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The disappearing male By Sonja Puzic

Original: The disappearing male By Sonja Puzic

Are males becoming an endangered species?

That's the question scientists and researchers have been pondering since alarming trends in male fertility rates, birth defects and disorders began emerging around the world.

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Is Obama's New FCC Transition Head Talk Radio's 'Executioner'? By Tim Graham

Original: Is Obama's New FCC Transition Head Talk Radio's 'Executioner'? By Tim Graham

Brian Maloney at Radio Equalizer warns that Barack Obama is signaling his designs on conservative talk radio with the rumored appointment of former FCC Commissioner Henry Rivera as the head of his FCC transition team:

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The Bankruptcy of the Nation and Conservatism By Cliff Kincaid

Original: The Bankruptcy of the Nation and Conservatism By Cliff Kincaid

A lot will be said and written about the presidential election, but one central fact remains: John McCain was ahead in the polls until the financial crisis emerged and President Bush was pushed by Treasury Secretary Paulson into seeking a $700-billion Wall Street bailout on September 18. The crisis benefited Obama, even though he voted for the bailout, because he was not a Republican, like McCain or Bush. Republicans were blamed because a Republican was in the White House.

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Re-thinking the Big Tent By Christopher Adamo

Original: Re-thinking the Big Tent By Christopher Adamo

As a result of this week’s elections, the Republican minority caucus in the United States Senate currently represents the sole remnant of a “firewall” against an uncontrolled implementation of the liberal agenda.  

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Liberals Need To Get A Sense of Humor by Yid With Lid

Original: Liberals Need To Get A Sense of Humor by Yid With Lid

I have received more hate-mail since Tuesday night than in the previous three years of blogging. Most of it has been from Obama supporters. The nicest of the emails have called me racist, pig, imbecile, and un American.

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'Compassionate' Conservatism Was a Mistake By DICK ARMEY

Original: 'Compassionate' Conservatism Was a Mistake By DICK ARMEY

The liberal pundits who embraced the candidacy of Barack Obama are also eager to issue a death certificate for free market capitalism. They're wrong, and they remind me of what the great Willie Nelson once said: "I'm ragged but I'm right."

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Barack Obama: The Kingfish Reborn By Henry P. Wickham, Jr.

Original: Barack Obama: The Kingfish Reborn By Henry P. Wickham, Jr.

John McCain once referred to Barack Obama's upcoming presidency as the second term of Jimmy Carter.  Obama has provided plenty of support for this observation.  However, as this seemingly endless campaign progressed, and as domestic issues prevailed over those of foreign policy, it has become more accurate to say that Obama's election is the first term of the Huey Long administration.

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Over Before It Began By George Neumayr

Original: Over Before It Began By George Neumayr

According to Newsweek, "On the Sunday night before the last debate, McCain's core group of advisers -- Steve Schmidt, Rick Davis, adman Fred Davis, strategist Greg Strimple, pollster Bill McInturff and strategy director Sarah Simmons -- met to decide whether to tell McCain that the race was effectively over, that he no longer had a chance to win. The consensus in the room was no, not yet, not while he still had 'a pulse.'"

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Who killed the blogosphere? :: Rough Type

Original: Who killed the blogosphere? :: Rough Type

Blogging seems to have entered its midlife crisis, with much existential gnashing-of-teeth about the state and fate of a literary form that once seemed new and fresh and now seems familiar and tired.

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Why the Race Was Lost By Michael M. Bates

Original: Why the Race Was Lost By Michael M. Bates

The mainstream media have been in the tank for Democrats for decades. This election, they hit their stride.

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Diversity Is Strength! It’s Also… Witchcraft, Imported By Immigration. (And, Yes, From Obama’s Kenya Too) By Brenda Walker

Original: Diversity Is Strength! It's Also… Witchcraft, Imported By Immigration. (And, Yes, From Obama's Kenya Too) By Brenda Walker

In the wide, wide world of diversity, there's nothing quite as pungent as witchcraft. In many ways it is the gold standard of primitive anti-civilization belief systems—because it takes the human yearning for meaning and plops out credos that are reason-free and often violence-prone.

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'08 turnout same as or only slightly higher than '04 By Martina Stewart

Original: '08 turnout same as or only slightly higher than '04 By Martina Stewart

A new report from American University’s Center for the Study of the American Electorate concludes that voter turnout in Tuesday’s election was the same in percentage terms as it was four years ago — or at most has risen by less than 1 percent.

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What John McCain should have done By Patrick J. Buchanan

Original: What John McCain should have done By Patrick J. Buchanan

As a political athlete, measured by charisma and communications skills, McCain is not even in the same league with Barack Obama. He was outspent by vast sums, and his political organization was far inferior.

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Voters Keep Re-electing Congressional Losers By Joel Hirschhorn

Original: Voters Keep Re-electing Congressional Losers By Joel Hirschhorn

Voting out congressional incumbents failed this year, showing the anti-incumbency movement to be a clear letdown. For some years many groups and their websites have been advocating voting out congressional incumbents as an effective means to reform government and make it work better.

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We Couldn’t Have Had Reagan in 1980 Without First Having Carter In 1976 :: CFIF

Original: We Couldn't Have Had Reagan in 1980 Without First Having Carter In 1976 :: CFIF

Like clockwork, overeager liberals believe that the answer is “yes.”  Following Barack Obama’s closer-than-predicted 53% to 46% victory this week (during a year in which political tides should have created a twenty-point margin), liberals are already making that claim. 

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пятница, 7 ноября 2008 г.

“Gays” Call for Violence Against Christian Supporters of Prop 8 By Matt Barber

Original: "Gays" Call for Violence Against Christian Supporters of Prop 8 By Matt Barber

In a stunning reaction to the passage of state constitutional marriage protection amendments in California, Arizona and Florida, several self identified homosexuals on a number of homosexual blogs are advocating violence against Christians and other supporters of traditional marriage.

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Big-City Socialist Voters Now Own America By Ron Ewart

Original: Big-City Socialist Voters Now Own America By Ron Ewart

A giant 8.0 earthquake has just rocked the very foundation of American conservative freedom and it is crumbling before our very eyes.  A violent shiver went up the backs of freedom-loving Americans in every corner of this once-great land on election day.

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Where Did They Go by: Marion Valentine

Original: Where Did They Go by: Marion Valentine

The traditional fundamental values this Nation was founded on are what made this the greatest nation on earth. At least eighty percent of Americans call themselves Christians. Where did they Go?

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Post-Election thoughts for Obama opponents on how to cope with the Obama election tragedy By Aaron I. Reichel, Esq.

Original: Post-Election thoughts for Obama opponents on how to cope with the Obama election tragedy By Aaron I. Reichel, Esq.

An American hero has fallen like a ripe old acorn in part because of a tainted ACORN and its many trainers (including Obama) and trainees. How can anyone find comfort in the wake of such a tragedy?

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Rahm, Freddie and Fannie by Lonely Conservative

Original: Rahm, Freddie and Fannie by Lonely Conservative

Barack Obama’s choice for Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, is not only a partisan hack, but he also was on the Board of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac from 2000 and 2002. He was handsomely compensated. In case you haven’t heard, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are at the heart of the current economic crisis.

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