"It's been an especially rotten few days for people who type on deadline. On Tuesday, The Christian Science Monitor announced that, after a century, it would cease publishing a weekday paper.
четверг, 30 октября 2008 г.
They Say Every Time A Member Of The Mainstream Media Loses His Job, An Angel Gets His Wings... By John Hawkins
On the Road to Argentina and Tyranny by Dave Nalle
With the election almost upon us and most polls showing Barack Obama with a substantial lead, many people are wondering what the future might look like with the Democratic party in control of the White house and both houses of Congress.
Even Female Conservative Pundits Embrace Palin Bashing by Pam Meister
For a number of weeks now, conservative Beltway insiders Kathleen Parker and Peggy Noonan, among others, have narrowed their sights not on the Democratic candidate for president, but the Republican candidate’s running mate.
Taxing Times By Thomas Sowell
Chief Justice John Marshall said it all in one sentence: “The power to tax is the power to destroy.”
It is not the money that is taxed away that is destroyed. What is destroyed is the wealth that does not get produced in the first place, because high taxes make its production not worthwhile.
Will ACORN Steal the Election? By Bethany Stotts
Investigations into ACORN’s voter registration efforts have spread across the nation, with the Associated Press reporting that an FBI investigation of the group is underway. But according to an October 19th Rasmussen poll only 36% of those surveyed believed that Obama has ties to ACORN, while 29% were “not sure.”
Now that we know what âchangeâ means Americans everywhere have a duty to say no. :: Conservative Badlands
Most Americans should be nervous. Others who have a sense of American history and respect for what has separated us from the other nations of the world should be utterly troubled by what has emerged regarding Barack Obama’s thoughts and feelings towards the U.S. Constitution and the American system.
Palestinians Campaigning for Obama By Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook
The following is the story in the PA daily: "23 year old [Palestinian] Ibrahim Abu Jayyab sits by the computer in the Nusairat refugee camp [in the Gaza Strip] trying to call American citizens, in order to convince them to vote for the Democratic candidate for president, Barack Obama
A major newspaper suppresses damning video of Barack Obama partying with pro-terrorism radicals. Meanwhile, Obama punishes news outlets that do their jobs. Fairness Doctrine anyone?
Joe the Plumber vs. Mickey Mouse By LARRY WILKE
Those of you who may be wondering why the Democrats are spending so much time attacking “Joe the plumber,” please keep a few thoughts in mind: “Joe” is YOU. The liberal Democrats are directly attacking YOU.
Negative Liberties and Obama Newspeak By Bruce Walker
The 2001 audio tape of Barack Obama describing the Constitution as a document of "negative liberties" reveals an utterly Orwellian Obama. How can liberty be anything other than negative? Liberty is the absence of external control. Only in our age of collective thinking and untidy language could such a thing as "positive liberty" be conceived. The state power to coerce is not liberty.
Who Enforces the Constitution's Natural Born Citizen Clause? By Mark J. Fitzgibbons
If you believe in individual rights and the notion that our Constitution is a document granting enumerated but limited powers to the federal government, then you have reason to be troubled by the recent dismissal in Berg v. Obama et al.
The Hugo Chavez Democrats By Peter Ferrara
The polls place the approval rating of Congress at 12%, the lowest in history, and only about half President Bush's miserable rating.
If Obama Wrecks America, Whose Fault Will It Be? By Lee Duigon
When Obama is elected, and the corks pop and the champagne flows in Moscow, Teheran, Caracas, wherever America’s enemies are celebrating, it’ll be your fault.
Obama's Living-Will Constitution By George Neumayr
Obama supporters have lampooned Sarah Palin for saying that a vice president is "in charge of the U.S. Senate." That is not a strict reading of the Constitution and its envisioned duties for the vice president, they acidly remark.
Socialism We Can Believe In By Ben Johnson
Now that a 2001 public radio interview has surfaced to confirm The One has plotted to redistribute middle class wealth since the beginning of his political career, the media are in overdrive to save their savior.
The United Nations prays for an Obama victory so its collectivist agenda can be fulfilled. High on the list is climate change, as Obama prepares to declare our breath a pollutant.
The Death of Journalism By Jim O'Neill
“During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.”—George Orwell
Welcome, fellow revolutionaries—let’s share some truth.
Sean Hannity has said that “Journalism is dead,” by which Hannity means that “objective journalism” is dead—journalism that attempts to be fair and balanced.
Beware of the Democrat's Coup d` 'etat. :: Realpublicans
In every nation that has suffered through a coup, the first rule of thumb is to take control of the media. As we come with in one week of the presidential election, a very similar thing has happened here in America.
Archbishop Rips Moral Idiocy Of Obamaâs Abortion Democrats :: Michael Eden
Denver Roman Catholic Archbishop Charles Chaput labeled Barack Obama the “most committed” abortion-rights candidate from a major party in 35 years while accusing a Catholic Obama ally and other Democratic-friendly Catholic groups of doing a “disservice to the church.” ….
Open Letter to Barack Hussein Obama :: Free Republic
The New York Times carried a story on Saturday, October 4, 2008 that proved you had a significantly closer relationship with Bill Ayers than what you previously admitted. While the issue of your relationship is of concern, the greater concern is that you lied to America about it.
ACORN Owes Millions in Taxes by Amanda Carpenter
An intrepid researcher has discovered more than 200 tax liens totaling more than $3.7 million have been filed by the government against the Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now for unpaid taxes since the late eighties.
They predicted a huge turnout for Kerry in 2004 too By:Brian Goettl
Back in 2004, after John Kerry had reported for duty, the Old School media predicted that Kerry would win the Presidential election over George Bush because of a massive voter turnout for the Massachusetts liberal.
Previewing the Democratic Peopleâs Republic of America :: The Rosett Report
As a preview of life in a socialist America, Barack Obama’s half-hour Infomercial Wednesday evening wasn’t half bad. It had its pricey origins in a broken promise about practicing restraint with money.
Divine Right Strikes Again By Will Offensicht
The US Constitution gives you the right to pursue happiness, but our founders recognized that government can't guarantee that everyone would achieve happiness and that it would be wrong for government to try.
Obama Has Not Always Been On Time
Barack Obama’s 30 minute infomercial went right on time thanks to the Hollywood style production and millions of dollars. It was near perfect, but left on his own Obama seems to have a hard time getting to meetings on time. A newly released video on YouTube shows his late arrivals and apologies to [...]
How about some gratitude, Barack? Your success is the ultimate affirmation of the American system for which you harbor such intense contempt.
среда, 29 октября 2008 г.
Joe the Plumber-OBAMA WILL KILL ISRAEL :: Yid With Lid
Today Joe the Plumber not only showed that he could "Out" Barack Obama on economic Issues but also on foreign policy issues. The Ohio plumber who started the whole "redistribution of wealth" issue was on the stump for John McCain today.
Dow up almost 900 today! McCain closed the gap on Obama Yesterday :: The New Conservatives
The Dow rose 900 one day after polls showed McCain closing the gap on Obama.
Holding all the cards By Mark Steyn
On the grubby little racket of his online credit card fraud, Senator Obama merely has to run out the clock now. If it's not exposed before Tuesday, no one is going to have any appetite for investigating it once he's won.
The Death of Journalism By Jim O'Neill
“During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.”—George Orwell
Welcome, fellow revolutionaries—let’s share some truth.
Sean Hannity has said that “Journalism is dead,” by which Hannity means that “objective journalism” is dead—journalism that attempts to be fair and balanced.
Former Socialists Will Vote For McCain :: Gateway Pundit
The majority among the Russian community in the United States are going to vote for Republican John McCain at the U.S. presidential election- according to the Russian Interfax New Agency.
On the Road to Argentina and Tyranny by Dave Nalle
With the election almost upon us and most polls showing Barack Obama with a substantial lead, many people are wondering what the future might look like with the Democratic party in control of the White house and both houses of Congress.
Obamaâs Definition Of Rich Getting Lower
Yesterday speaking to WNEP of Scranton, PA. Joe Biden lowered the bar on the Obama’s camp definition of what constitutes rich. Biden says that Obama doesn’t want to “spread the wealth around,” but just change the structure of the Bush tax cuts. "That $87 billion tax break doesn't need to go to people [...]
Joe the Plumber vs. Mickey Mouse By LARRY WILKE
Those of you who may be wondering why the Democrats are spending so much time attacking “Joe the plumber,” please keep a few thoughts in mind: “Joe” is YOU. The liberal Democrats are directly attacking YOU.
Taxing Times By Thomas Sowell
Chief Justice John Marshall said it all in one sentence: “The power to tax is the power to destroy.”
It is not the money that is taxed away that is destroyed. What is destroyed is the wealth that does not get produced in the first place, because high taxes make its production not worthwhile.
Socialism We Can Believe In By Ben Johnson
Now that a 2001 public radio interview has surfaced to confirm The One has plotted to redistribute middle class wealth since the beginning of his political career, the media are in overdrive to save their savior.
Will ACORN Steal the Election? By Bethany Stotts
Investigations into ACORN’s voter registration efforts have spread across the nation, with the Associated Press reporting that an FBI investigation of the group is underway. But according to an October 19th Rasmussen poll only 36% of those surveyed believed that Obama has ties to ACORN, while 29% were “not sure.”
Pages 1008 - 1074
So yes, I’m panicking and I read nearly seventy pages today. There’s only a week to go! And I’ve still got a hundred and ten pages to go! I hardly took anything in from what I read - the basics are that Charley did another crash, this time in car, lost his [...]
The rain stopped McCain.
Both Barack Obama and John McCain were campaigning in Pennsylvania Tuesday. The state is important for both parties, but especially for the Republicans who lost the state four years ago. Some analysts thinks he needs to win here to have any chance of winning the election in a weeks time. McCain had planned to hold two [...]
Barack Obama's "spread the wealth" remark to Ohio's Joe the Plumber was a rare peek at the radical behind the guarded rhetoric. A newly-unearthed 2001 radio interview provides full view.
The Founding Fathers On Redistribution :: Sweetness & Light
“To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers, have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to everyone the free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it.” — Thomas Jefferson, letter to Joseph Milligan, April 6, 1816
Obama Would Fail Security Clearance by Daniel Pipes
With Colin Powell now repeating the lie that Barack Obama has “always been a Christian,” despite new information further confirming Obama’s Muslim childhood (such as the Indonesian school registration listing him as Muslim -- See a copy at danielpipes.org), one watches with dismay as the Democratic candidate manages to hide the truth on this issue.
Obama's Mansion, Saddam's Money By Daniel Pipes
Barack Obama appears to have personally benefited from funds originating in Saddam Hussein's regime. It's a complicated connection, but one that deserves the consideration of Americans voters.
If Obama Wrecks America, Whose Fault Will It Be? By Lee Duigon
When Obama is elected, and the corks pop and the champagne flows in Moscow, Teheran, Caracas, wherever America’s enemies are celebrating, it’ll be your fault.
Business Tax in the United States Among Highest in the World :: Right Side News
We need to decrease business taxes here in the United States to be competitive worldwide, to attract business here and to give more revenue to those that produce.
Barack Obama Wants You To Take The Day Off Election Day
Barack Obama has a new ad out that ask you to take the day off on Tuesday election day. Instead of earning money to pay your bills, he wants you to volunteer on his behalf. Since he has so many homeless people, and unemployed people on his side it shouldn’t be any problem [...]
Fairfax Registrar Must Count Military Ballots by Jed Babbin
Military absentee votes will be counted in Fairfax County, Virginia thanks to an opinion just issued by Virginia's Attorney General Bob McDonnell.
Stealing the Election, 2008 By Bill Steigerwald
Just in time for this year’s electoral excitement, Wall Street Journal columnist John Fund has revised and updated his 2004 book, Stealing Elections: How Voter Fraud Threatens Our Democracy.
Time for a Gut Check, America By James Edmund Pennington
McCain and his supporters have only a single battle cry for the last week, but it could be powerful:
вторник, 28 октября 2008 г.
Obama's 'Redistribution' Constitution By STEVEN G. CALABRESI
One of the great unappreciated stories of the past eight years is how thoroughly Senate Democrats thwarted efforts by President Bush to appoint judges to the lower federal courts.
Obama Redistribution of Wealth Interview Uncovered
There is a radio interview with Barack Obama circulating on the net from 1991 where he talks about redistributing the wealth way back then. He wants to reinterpret the constitution to accomplish this. Notice the debate here is not whether or not it is a good idea, but how to do it. [...]
Obama And Frank: A Farewell To Arms By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY
How will Barack Obama and friends fund their plan to spread Joe the Plumber's wealth? They intend to beat our swords into welfare checks, leaving America exposed to its mortal enemies.
Obamaâs Marxist Roots Found in Liberation Theology :: Faultline USA
One of the most read articles published by Faultline USA this past year is Obama’s Marxist Liberation Theology Church, which is being republished today here in its entirety.
Campaign (or) Coup d'etat By JB Williams
Americans inherently sense that something is horrifically wrong in this election...
The 2008 presidential campaign of Barack Obama is a case of truth being stranger than fiction and conspiracy being more than just theory. Hollywood couldn’t write a more intriguing script of crime, corruption, deceit, cover-ups and international intrigue. Obama’s cultish grip on his young ill-educated minions makes Jim Jones and David Koresh look like beginners.
Fisting for Kids and Gay Marriage :: JudgeRight
So you think gay marriage won't affect your life? You think gays and lesbians aren't a driving force for the pornification of our kids? You don't think the gay lobby will push our culture into perversion few are willing to consider much less have our kids witness?
The Obama Timeline: 1961-2008 By Don Fredrick
The following is an attempt to present the relevant aspects of Barack Obama’s life, from birth to the present. Every attempt has been made to present accurate names, information, and dates.
Drink Diet Coke! :: PowerLine
Advertising Age reports that Pepsi-Cola is launching a new logo as part of a world-wide branding campaign. Pepsico's Indra Nooyi, whom we wrote about here and elsewhere, and other top Pepsico executives explained the new look:
Global Warming Thugs By Daniel Muniz
Skepticism is simply a part of the scientific process especially since we live in a world that is fraught with so much fraud. It is natural for people to question your assertions. However, it has almost become an embarrassment that many global warming scientists do not want their work scrutinized even if it was funded by taxpayer dollars. They somehow feel that the public should just take their word for it.
Confronting the Bradley Effect Step by Step :: Conservative Badlands
With a little more than a week out from Election Day, polling and likely voters are going to reach new levels of scrutiny. A few Southern states have become full blown battlegrounds. Virginia, Missouri, North Carolina, and yes, even Georgia have become toss-ups. (I left out Florida intentionally.
Obama Believes Our Constitution is Fundamentally Flawed By Scott Miller
In a 2001 radio interview, Barack Obama not yet thinking about a run for President, reveals his true thinking about how Blacks should bring about “redistributive change” or the “redistributon of wealth” in their march toward “politcal and economic justice”.
Bush Embraces Obamaâs Socialism By Cliff Kincaid
The problem for the Republican ticket of John McCain and Sarah Palin is that their fellow Republican, President George W. Bush, may do more damage to American-style capitalism during his last months in office than Obama could ever do in a four-year term as president.
In short, we already have a socialist president―and his name is Bush
Obamaâs 2007 Senate Floor Commitment to an `Egalitarian Societyâ By Marinka Peschmann
Senator Barack Obama is committed for America to be an “egalitarian society.” What? Obama hasn’t told Americans about that commitment on the campaign trail to the White House but it’s true.
The L.A. Times Suppresses Obamaâs Khalidi Bash Tape By Andrew C. McCarthy
Let’s try a thought experiment. Say John McCain attended a party at which known racists and terror mongers were in attendance. Say testimonials were given, including a glowing one by McCain for the benefit of the guest of honor ... who happened to be a top apologist for terrorists.
Senator Obama's Four Tax Increases for People Earning Under $250k By Ned Barnett
I confess. Senator Obama's two tax promises: to limit tax increases to only those making over $250,000 a year, and to not raise taxes on 95% of "working Americans," intrigued me.
Media Polls - The Hanson Effect :: PA Pundits
After this election is done and dusted, there will be an awful lot of questions, and everybody will be questioning everything.
However, one question will be puzzling everybody, and that will be one about the pre election polls.
понедельник, 27 октября 2008 г.
Vote Against US Congressional Representatives afraid to Confront Jihad by Jeffrey Imm
For those Americans who oppose Jihad and the ideology of Islamic supremacism, this provides a unique opportunity for our voice to be heard and for you to be able to personally impact future legislation on this issue.
Bin Laden's Plans for Global Fireball By Douglas J. Hagmann
Several people watched as a large balloon drifted over the Trinity National Forest, slowly descending until it came to rest atop a sixty foot tall dead fir tree in Hayfork, a town about 40 miles west of Redding, California.
Iranian Leaders Pushing for Preemptive Strike on Israel :: TheIsraelProject.org
Iranian government leaders are proposing a preemptive military strike against Israel, a senior Iranian official said this week. [1] The threat comes as Iran continues to train and arm terrorist groups that specifically target Israel.
Obama Misleads Voters on His Abortion Record by Jennifer Mesko
'He has a long record of opposing any legislation that protects innocent life. 'In the third and final presidential debate Wednesday, Sen. Barack Obama seemed to have a tough time telling the truth. The National Right to Life Committee has worked to separate fact from fiction when it comes to the senator's record on abortion.
Barack Obamaâs Career Path Toward an American? Presidency by Arlen Williams
Barack Obama, according to his own book and the testimony of relatives and their friends, was raised in quite a
radical family. His adolescent mother developed an affinity with a Marxist teacher and become an agnostic or atheist. She met Barack Obama Sr. in a Russian language class. Yes, a Russian language class, circa 1960.
Mandating a Perfect World By Thomas E. Brewton
Liberal-progressives’ conception of social justice always requires the political state forcibly to impose some form of equality.
Social justice, in the catechism of the socialist religion, is no more than an exertion of raw power to force people to conform to what liberal-progressives believe conditions ought to be.
Is America really going to do this? By Melanie Phillips
The impact of the financial crisis on the American presidential election has somewhat obscured the most important reason why the prospect of an Obama presidency is giving so many people nightmares. This is the fear that, if he wins, US defences will be emasculated at a time of unprecedented international peril and the enemies of America and the free world will seize their opportunity to destroy the west.
Video: Obama, Odinga, Socialism, Marxism, Islam, WOT :: by Maggie M. Thornton
This video, originally with over 300,000 views was removed from YouTube. I do not have the details on why it was removed. It's back and you need to see it.
Billionaire leftist funds liberal Catholics By Jim Brown
An investigation by the New York-based Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights finds that George Soros' Open Society Institute gave Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good $50,000 in 2005 and $100,000 in 2006.
UK:Govt Gives Stamp of Approval to Chain of Sharia Courts :: Islam In Action
The government of the UK has given its stamp of approval by allowing sharia courts to deal with such matters as divorce and family disputes. The politically correct government obviously did not listen when a group of ex-Muslims came out and warned the country about sharia law.
China gets a jump on US in space By Peter J Brown
In late September, China's third manned space mission went off without a hitch. The Shenzhou-7 is now safely in orbit.
Sharansky's mistaken identity By Spengler
Natan Sharansky defied Soviet tyranny during the Cold War and thereby earned the gratitude of free people everywhere, including the United States, which in 2006 awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
A History of Medicine - part 3 By Fjordman
The Romans have been credited with the invention of several surgical instruments and were advanced in surgery for their time, a necessity for a large empire with a constant need for treating war injuries.
Free Market Fundamentalism by Mundy
This is not a new term, but it was popularized by George Soros, and it is a dangerous one. Be ready to see it more and more.
An Election About the Nature of the Church By Richard John Neuhaus
...But now we see Christians hedging and trimming and tying themselves into intellectual and moral knots in order to support candidates, including a presidential candidate, who explicitly and adamantly support an unlimited legal license to kill the unborn.
The Obama Department of Peace & Non-Violence By Andy McCarthy
The DC Examiner reminds us that already proposed in the House (HR 808) is the creation of a new, multi-billion dollar, cabinet-level monstrosity: The Department of Peace & Non-Violence.
I've been thinking this for a while so I might as well air it here. I honestly never thought we'd see such a thing in our country - not yet anyway - but I sense what's occurring in this election is a recklessness and abandonment of rationality that has preceded the voluntary surrender of liberty and security in other places.
Barney Frank Vows to Cut Military :: BOTTOM LINE UP FRONT
With an Obama presidency, there would be a liberal triangulation at the top tiers of government: Obama/Biden in the White House, Nancy Pelosi in the Congress and Harry Reid in the Senate. Think of it as the unholy trinity.
Worse Than Ayers and Wright? :: PowerLine
Barack Obama's most troubling radical association may be his friendship and political and financial alliance with Rashid Khalidi, described by the New York Times and more reliable sources as a former spokesman for the Palestinian Liberation Organization, whose Black September arm carried out the 1972 murders at the Munich Olympics, the murder of American Ambassador to Sudan Cleo Noel, and other terrorist acts.
There have been allegations made, mostly rumors, but enough of them to be troubling, that RCP is actually being monitored by an Obama agent, and that if anything overly critical about the Obamas is posted to RCP it will be immediately taken down. Philip J. Berg, Esquire, the Attorney who filed suit against Barack H. Obama challenging Senator Obama’s lack of “qualifications” to serve as President of the United States, announced today that he is immediately appealing the dismissal of his case to the United States Supreme Court.воскресенье, 26 октября 2008 г.
More trouble for the McCain/Palin campaign.
A few days after the 'Gucci' storm, Sarah Palin is still making headlines. And that is not good for John McCain. She has just finished giving evidence, behind closed doors, about her apparent misuse of power when firing an official in Alaska. If that wasn't bad enough, she will not brand those who bomb abortion [...]
Pages 993 - 1007
Not feeling very inspired today. Even though it’s now only ten days away, I’m not as excited as I was two weeks ago. I suppose I’m starting to fear the worst. But on the upside, The Guardian has started giving away a four-page pull-out of The New York Review of Books free with its [...]
Wassssuuuppp For Barack Obama
The wasssuuuuppp guys from the Bud commercials are back, but instead of pushing beer and football they are promoting Barack Obama. The ad stars the same actors from the beer ads. It has one of them hanging himself which I doubt would fly in a McCain commercial, but there is that double standard [...]
Obama Staffers Caught Trying To Vote Illegally In Ohio
13 Barack Obama staffers pulled their voter registrations and ballots after being threatened with voter fraud and felony charges in Ohio. Last week prosecutor Ron O’Brien warned both campaigns that out of state campaign workers can not vote in Ohio, and told them they should “examine your conscience” before the election board starts examining [...]
Birth Certificate Gaining Legs :: The Political Lizard Annex
Obama has refused to show proof that he is eligible for the office he seeks. Judge Barclay Surrick dismissed the lawsuit by Philip Berg due to standing. This is a travesty and Judge Surrick just trampled on the Constitution of the United States. In his ruling Surick said that citizens do not have standing.
RealClearPolitics Responds: 'Read the Rules' :: RadarSite
Point of No Return By Mark Steyn
Across the electric wires, the hum is ceaseless: Give it up, loser. Don’t go down with the ship when it’s swept away by the Obama tsunami.
Obama punishes free speech yet again! :: The BoBo Files
his is just the beginning - it was bad enough that Obama operatives in Missouri declared they would punish and fine anyone who spoke out against Obama earlier this month - now - Obama has punished a TV station for asking tough questions
Berg vs Obama to be appealed to the Supreme Court. :: td blog
Soros, Malley and Obama's Foreign Policy :: Yid With Lid
As the saying goes, Money Talks, Bull Sh*t Walks. George Soros, Nazi Collaborator and MAJOR Democratic Party rainmaker is already working on the influence he will have on an Obama government's foreign policy.
суббота, 25 октября 2008 г.
No Reason For Conservatives To Jump Ship By CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER
I'm not talking about bucking the polls or the media consensus that it's over before it's over. I'm talking about bucking the rush of wet-fingered conservatives leaping to Barack Obama before they're left out in the cold without a single state dinner for the next four years.
Read ...Krauthammerâs endorsement by Ed Morrissey
Charles Krauthammer hasn’t been the happiest of conservatives in this race, but he still understands the vital interests at stake in the election.
Joe Biden In Newest McCain Ad
John McCain is using Joe Biden’s comments last week warning that Barack Obama will be tested early in his presidency in his latest ad. The narrator of the ad starts by saying, “listen to Joe Biden talking about what electing Barack Obama will mean.” Then we get an edited cut of Biden saying, [...]
Obama's Agenda Is So "Gay" By Matt Barber
If Bill Clinton was the first black president, Barack Obama, if elected, will be the first "gay" president. No, I don't mean he'll personally decorate the West Wing,
The Depraved World of Jihadi Child Porn By Stephen Brown
Besides their well-known penchant for anti-Semitism, misogyny and nihilistic violence, Muslim extremists are also gaining a disturbing reputation among British security agencies as collectors of child pornography.
Do Americans Understand What Socialism Is? By Frank Salvato |
Barack Obama’s short but illuminating conversation with Samuel “Joe the Plumber” Wurzelbacher has ushered the subject of socialism to center stage.
9/11 Shows Powell Endorsement Is Worthless By Peter Gadiel
Colin Powell has endorsed Obama for president. The value of the endorsement rests on the public’s faith that Powell is a man of skill, competence and experience who can distinguish those public officials who are able to guard the security of the United States from those who are inept.
A clear and present danger: Scientists with political motives By Dr. Tim Ball
A major problem with the climate change debate is scientists, especially those in government or academia, claiming or pretending they have no political motive.
ACORN Voter Registration Fraud Issue Festers by Barbara Sowell
ACORN is being investigated by the FBI and the U.S. Attorney's office. A growing list of problematic voter registrations in several key states is forcing the Obama campaign to accuse the McCain campaign of politically motivated accusations against ACORN.
Obama's Devoted Army :: Musings from the Elephant Man
Last sunday the Straight Talk Express bus was fired upon in New Mexico by a .22 caliber weapon and an unknown number of paint balls. Fortunately, John McCain and Sarah Palin do not travel on that bus and no one was sustained injuries.
York Times Endorses Obama As Stock Tumbles To Junk Status
This is what they call poetic justice: the New York Times officially endorses Obama on the same day that Standard & Poor’s downgrade its stock to junk status.
Reporter Admits He Has No Objectivity In Presidential Race
A former Time reporter admits he has no objectivity in the presidential race in a recent article in GQ magazine. Michael Hastings claims he had dreams of taking out presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani during the primaries. “I quickly realized Rudy was a maniac. I had a recurring fantasy in which I took him [...]
Newspaper shows Obama belonged to socialist party By Aaron Klein
Evidence has emerged that Sen. Barack Obama belonged to a socialist political party that sought to elect members to public office with the aim of moving the Democratic Party far leftward to ultimately form a new political party with a socialist agenda.
Opie, Sheriff Taylor, And The Fonz Offer Support For Obama
Movie director Ron Howard stars in a new video endorsing presidential candidate Barack Obama. “I've never done this before and I hope never to do it again, but I guess you could say I'm feeling pretty desperate these days," Howard says in the video. "So, as a demonstration of my sincerity, this is for [...]
Pollster: Media Polls Biased Against Republicans By Ronald Kessler
Political polls conducted for most media organizations often are biased against Republicans, says Kellyanne Conway, one of the most respected GOP pollsters.
Barack Obama Wants You To Try This
Barack Obama has a new ad that allows you to compare tax cuts between the two candidates using your own personal income. He use a web site sponsored by Obama, TaxCutFacts.org/, and a tax calculator. “Not sure who to believe on taxes?” a narrator asks over images of Obama’s campaign online tax cut [...]
What Sarah Palin taught us about ourselves. By Victor Davis Hanson
Soon this depressing campaign will be over, and we can reflect on what we learned from our two-month introduction to Sarah Palin.
Messiah Deficit Disorder by Oliver North
On Wednesday this week, I was an unwilling eyewitness to a dramatic political event and it made me wonder where we are headed as a nation. More on that in a moment. First, a little background.
Obama Refuses to Answer Birth Certificate Lawsuit By: Kenneth R. Timmerman
A Pennsylvania lawsuit alleging that Barack Obama is not a “natural-born citizen” of the United States took an unusual twist this week,
Michelle Obama admits, husband Barack stealing American election, just like his cousin Raila Odinga tried to do in Kenya by JB Williams
Hillary Clinton was right! Barack Obama is in so far over his unqualified head that he is getting caught up in his own tangled web of deceit before he can reach Election Day! And wife Michelle Obama just might be the person who ends his bid for the White House!
Obama's grandma confirms Kenyan birth :: WorldNetDaily
The Pennsylvania Democrat who has sued Sen. Barack Obama demanding he prove his American citizenship – and therefore qualification to run for president – has confirmed he has a recording of a telephone call from the senator's paternal grandmother confirming his birth in Kenya.
четверг, 23 октября 2008 г.
European Commissioner: âIslam Is Welcome. Immigration Is Moral Necessityâ By Tiberge
Jacques Barrot is the European Commissioner for Justice. In an interview at Café Babel [in French; English is here] he gives some revealing answers which indicate that the European suicide is underway. He calls immigration an economic and moral necessity, adding that Islam is welcome in Europe.
Financial meltdown defrocks deceit of manmade global warming By Dr. Tim Ball
Frequently after a presentation someone will ask me the rhetorical question, “So, you are telling us the majority of scientists, the IPCC, and National Academies of Science are all wrong.”
Ayers' Agenda: First-Grade Guinea Pigs by Margaret Hemenway
Our first-grader astonished her father at the end of the past school year as he dropped her off at her D.C. public school, Horace Mann Elementary, where he had attended school in the early 1960s.
Obama Supporter Claims Socialist Is Code For Black
In an editorial in the Kansas City Star Lewis Diuguid claims the McCain camp is using code words for blacks. According to Diugiud, “the ’socialist’ label that Sen. John McCain and his GOP presidential running mate Sarah Palin are trying to attach to Sen. Barack Obama actually has long and very ugly historical roots.” [...]
McCainâs hopeless fight.
Poor John McCain. He was doomed from the start, wasn’t he. After the most disastrous 8 years in the history of the White House it must be very, very hard indeed to get people to vote for someone from the same party. And while he’s at it, he probably feels pretty bad. John McCain has tried [...]
Powell Based His Position On Ethnicity By PATRICK J. BUCHANAN
Was race a factor in the decision of Colin Powell to repudiate his party's nominee and friend of 25 years, Sen. John McCain, two weeks before Election Day, and endorse Barack Obama?
Obama Ignores Credit Card Donation Fraud By Ken Timmerman
What do Bart Simpson, Family Guy, Daffy Duck, King Kong, O.J. Simpson, and Raela Odinga have in common?
All are celebrities; and with the exception of Odinga and O.J. Simpson, they also are fictional characters. And yet, all of them gave money earlier this month to the campaign of Barack Obama, without any apparent effort by the campaign to screen them out as suspect donors.
Thirty Years of Warmer Temperatures Go Poof By Lorne Gunter
In early September, I began noticing a string of news stories about scientists rejecting the orthodoxy on global warming.
Obama Office Operates in Phillyâs Islamist Corridor by David J. Rusin
When Barack Obama’s campaign needed a base for harvesting votes from the southern precincts of Philadelphia, it set up shop in a building owned and managed by controversial real estate baron Kenny Gamble.
Boehner asks Bush to block funding for ACORN
In light of recent allegations of voter registration fraud perpetrated by the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), and an investigation initiated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), I respectfully request that you use your authority to block all federal funding directed to this organization and its affiliates until an investigation is complete. I further request that you direct all federal agencies that have released federal block grant funds to states and localities to not release any funds to ACORN and its affiliates until the completion of the investigation.
Has MSM Journalism Become the âPropagandaâ Machine Similar to Nazi Germany? by Michael Yost
Unless you haven’t noticed, the MSM journalists are now the Left Wing propaganda machine. Willingly, they support, extol virtue, and report no ill about Liberals.
Counting Islamists by Daniel Pipes
The recent distribution of some 28 million copies in the United States of the 2005 documentary Obsession has stirred heated debate about its contents. One lightening rod for criticism concerns my on-screen statement that "10 to 15 percent of Muslims worldwide support militant Islam."
Obama Supporter Slams Robo Calls With A Robo Call
An Obama supporter is using a robo-call to complain about McCain’s robo-calls. He claims using them is a Bush tactic, yet doesn’t see the irony of using one himself. Here is a copy of the robo-call coming to phone near you;
William Ayers' forgotten communist manifesto: Prairie Fire :: Zombietime
William Ayers is a communist. But don't take my word for it. He said so himself.
After a long search, I was lucky enough to finally get my hands on a copy of the original edition of Prairie Fire, which is now extremely rare and hard to find. It was written in secret while Ayers and his fellow Weather Underground members were still in hiding and on the run, and still actively engaging in bombings and other violent acts.
Liberalism Is an Addiction By Burt Prelutsky
It occurred to me the other day that in spite of a bad back and his marriage vows, JFK chased everything in skirts; that Gary Hart allowed his libido to sink his political career; that even nerdy Jimmy Carter confessed to having lust in his heart,
Reagan Right on Government By Scott Rasmussen
In his first inaugural address, President Ronald Reagan delivered a line succinctly capturing the sentiment that elected him: "Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem."
The Hate Crimes Racket by Robert Spencer
Students at Illinois’s Elmhurst College can rest easy: an arrest was finally made last Thursday in the alarming case of Safia Jilani, a Muslim Elmhurst student who told police two weeks ago that a masked man hit her on the head with a gun in a campus restroom -- and that on the mirror was written the blood-chilling words, “Kill the Muslims.”
The Fake Messiah's Greenhouse By Lee Duigon
America’s heart is as far from God as it can be, without being in Europe. It’s so far out that we wouldn’t know how to find our way back to Him if we wanted to.
The Real Threat Posed by Bill Ayers By Ron Radosh
Paul Berman, one of the most influential political intellectuals writing today, has penned a searing indictment of former Weather Underground founder Bill Ayers. His essay is no surprise.
Obama is Bought, But Who Owns Him? By Paul R. Hollrah
In July, Obama boasted that, as of May 31, his contributor base numbered some 1.5 million people, with one-fourth, or $66.25 million of his $265 million, coming from those contributing $2,000, or more... some 33,200 people. Thus, the remainder, or $198.75 million, came from some 1.47 million people, each contributing $5, $10, $20... or, as Obama assured us, “whatever they could afford.”
Pages 921 - 960
There’s something else I wanted to put in today, besides Colin (that’s “Colin”) Powell and Toots, but I can’t remember what it was. It was a mere detail - a piece of campaign trivia. If I don’t remember it while typing I’ll try to put it in tomorrow. So. Barack gets backing from [...]
Radical Loon When Obama Was Only 47 by Ann Coulter
The media are acting as if they completely and fully vetted Obama during the Democratic primaries and that's why they are entitled to send teams of researchers into Alaska to analyze Sarah Palin's every expense report.
Obama's Culture of Death and the Catholic Vote By Kyle-Anne Shiver
Most analysts agree that it will not be possible for Barack Obama to win this election without the votes of the majority of Catholic voters.
Media discovers pay to play is Obama's way Rosslyn Smith
Pay to play, that is being required to pony up a campaign contribution in order to get access to political power, has been the Chicago way of politics for decades.
среда, 22 октября 2008 г.
Get Ready for the New New Deal By PAUL H. RUBIN
In 1932, Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected president as the nation was heading into a severe recession.
Obama: Citizen of the World, Indeed! by Janica Unruh
On August 21, 2008, Philip J. Berg, former Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania, filed a lawsuit against presidential candidate Barack Obama.
Socking It to Small Business :: WSJ
Barack Obama declared last week that his economic plan begins with "one word that's on everyone's mind and it's spelled J-O-B-S." This raises the stubborn question that Senator Obama has never satisfactorily answered:
A Tale Of Two Joeâs (And A Bill): Battleground Poll Shows 1-Point Race Michael Eden
Just a week ago, the Battleground poll showed Barack Obama had a 13 point lead over John McCain (53-40, taken 10/8-10/13). Their poll released just today shows that the race is 48-47.
Would Obama Pass a Standard Security Clearance? By Daniel Pipes
With Colin Powell now repeating the lie that Barack Obama has "always been a Christian," despite new information further confirming Obama's Muslim childhood (such as the Indonesian school registration listing him as Muslim), one watches with dismay as the Democratic candidate manages to hide the truth on this issue.
Wake Up, America! This Is What an Obama Election Will Mean By Scott Roark
If you vote for Barack Obama in two weeks, beware, for this is what his presidency will mean for you as an American:
Itâs Americanism vs. Socialism on November 4th By Frank Salvato
At a recent campaign swing through Ohio, while going "door-to-door,” Senator Barack Obama was asked a question by a young prospective business owner about taxes and how Obama’s economic plan would affect him, his family and his business. Obama’s response – his unscripted, from the heart, authentic, no-spin, off-the-teleprompter response – was something that would have made Karl Marx proud. Make no mistake, “my friends,” this election is about Americanism vs. Socialism, and little else.
Video Library: The Case Against Obama, In His Own Words by Mary Katharine Ham
Below are the videos I produced, using Obama's own words as often as I could, to illustrate his troublesome positions on all these issues.
McCain Beating Bush Numbers in Ohio; Pennsylvania Looking Good? by Bill Dupray
Jim Geraghty at the Corner has a source in Ohio that thinks McCain is actually looking pretty good.
The comprehensive argument against Barack Obama by Ed Morrissey
Allow us to put our cards on the table at the outset: We are two young conservative journalists—both in our 20s. Unlike many of our peers, we are not swept up in Obamamania and would prefer John McCain to win the election.
Cracker Barreling Along by Stephen Kruiser
Two weeks to go and it’s obvious that the only thing that could possibly derail the crowning of a Divine Emperor next January is…your backwoods attitudes, you racist bastard.
General Blind Spots By Claudia Rosett
Colin Powell is the current darling of the media, for crossing party lines on Meet the Press to endorse Barack Obama for “ability to inspire …steadiness...intellectual curiosity...depth of knowledge...intellectual vigor...a definitive way of doing business...reaching out all across America…exceptional,” and numerous other virtues, too many to list here. In sum, Powell embraced Obama as a “transformational figure.”
вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.
Pew Research: âRush Limbaugh,â âHannity & Colmesâ Listeners Best Informed About U.S. Politics by Matthew Vadum
The Pew Research Center for the People & the Press tested the political knowledge of 3,612 U.S. adults and found that the audiences of Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity with Alan Colmes were the best informed about U.S. politics.
Black Rule Brings Inevitable To South Africa. New York Times Reports It, Sort Of. By Ilana Mercer
Fourteen years and approximately 300,000 murders after black rule devastated my homeland, the New York Times is shocked to discover that South Africa is fast disappearing down the same hole into which Rhodesia, rest in peace, was dropped.
Pages 882 - 920
'The Big Money' is glamour, it's Hollywood, it's artistes. We've just seen the bottom rung with the desperate greasepaint story of Margo Dowling, now we get the star. Newsreel 54 ends with an interrupted sentence about Rudolph Valentino, and then Dos Passos unforgivably segues straight into his biography. Where's the randomness there? [...]
Radical? Check. Tied to ACORN? Check. Redistributionist? Check. By Stanley Kurtz
During his first campaign for the Illinois state senate in 1995-96, Barack Obama was a member of, and was endorsed by, the far-left New Party.
Stealing the Presidency: An Obama/ACORN Primer By Kyle-Anne Shiver
For the past eight years, Americans have been bombarded nearly nonstop by cries of "Bush stole the White House," without a single proven shred of evidence, without a single indictment or conviction of Republicans on vote fraud, vote rigging or anything even close.
The confident underdog.
'I like being the underdog', says John McCain, who seems to see himself like a straight talking, shooting from the hip kind of maverick. 'Every time I get ahead I mess it up, so being the underdog suits me well'. John McCain can't be reading the same newspapers as the rest of the world, because he [...]
Funny how economic concerns pull the mind away from foolishness such as global warming. But weather goes on, and in many places it doesn't happen the way fear mongers predict.
A Faith's Dwindling Following By George F. Will
The Rev. Robert Duncan, 60, is not a Lutheran, but he is a Luther, of sorts. The former Episcopal bishop of Pittsburgh has, in effect, said the words with which Martin Luther shattered Christendom and asserted the primacy of individual judgment and conscience that defines the modern temperament: " Ich kann nicht anders" -- I cannot do otherwise.
Al-Jazeera for Obama By Cliff Kincaid
The terrorist channel has turned its sights on the American presidential election, intervening in an effort to make those in the U.S. opposed to Obama appear to the outside world as white Christian racists.
Архив блога
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- Pages 993 - 1007
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