Over the course of several trips to the South East Asian country of Malaysia I have been struck by how similar Malaysia’s race relations are to America’s—despite the obvious enormous differences. The official Malaysian policy of dispensing privileges by race may even be a warning of what the future may hold if our current poli
вторник, 30 сентября 2008 г.
Racial Quotas In Malaysia: Grim Warning For America By Jared Taylor
Who caused âthe biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression?â By Roger Kimball
Powerline links to a video that answers this question with admirable clarity. I’ll link to the video below. First, here are a few data points from the video and other sources:
Fannie Mae Strong-Arm Monitoring of Race By Ralph Alter
Being a veteran of the sub-prime wars, the revelations emerging in the Fannie-Freddie debacle are illuminating practices that previously seemed insignificant in the hey-day of my mortgage brokering career.
Bailout Politics By Thomas Sowell
Among the Congressional "leaders" invited to the White House to devise a bailout "solution" are the very people who have for years created the risks that have now come home to roost.
What is Leukophobia? By Ian Jobling
Last February, I invented the term “leukophobia”—from leukos, the Greek word for “white” or “fair-colored”—to describe the fear and loathing of white people that is at the heart of contemporary culture.
Obama Voter Fraud reaches Fever Pitch By Sher Zieve
It appears that Barack Obama has trained his minions well - very very well, in fact. Obama’s group ACORN is under scrutiny or indictment in at least 14 states for voter fraud, embezzlement and misuses of taxpayer funds.
History of Jihad against the Greeks (1450-1853)
Greece was the cradle of Western civilization. The Persians were the only non-Europeans to have set their foot on Greece as invaders. But they never succeeded. They were checked at Marathon and were repulsed at Salamis. Alexander the great son of Greece, reversed the Persian invasion and led the Greek armies right across the sprawling inter-continental Achamenian (Hakkamanishiya) Empire of the Persians.
The Resurrection of "The Party" By Kathy Shaidle
When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, certain experts triumphantly proclaimed “the end of history.” But more cynical historians warned that the communist “bear” would simply hibernate for a time, and then re-emerge as a newly refreshed “evil empire” in a different form.
Who-What Are Obama Supporters? By Therese Daniels
It is not Obama and his gang of thug Socialists who confuse me. I clearly recognize the principles of socialism and Communism in all of Obama’s “silk purse” speeches. It isn’t hard acknowledging right from wrong.
McCain is Mr. Hypocrite.
Barack Obama is too young and too inexperienced to run our country, says John McCain. Yes, he is 25 years his senior, but John McCain is 72. The male life expectancy in the US is 75.15 according to the CIA World Factbook (2007). If this turns out to be true for John McCain, he will [...]
Talk radio holds firm over "socialist" bailout By Matthew Bigg
Opposing the White House's Wall Street bailout and letting stocks take a beating was a worthwhile price to pay to keep a "socialist bill" from meddling in the free market, conservative talk radio said on Tuesday.
Feminists Love Abortion-on-Demand, Hate Sarah Palin By Joan Swirsky
Why are the retro-feminists in the leftwing media, the National Organization of Women, and the abortion lobby, among other hysterics, militating so violently against Sarah Palin? It’s because they value abortion-on-demand over every other subject on earth.
John? Why not Senator McCain? By Judith A. Klinghoffer
I may be wrong but nothing rankled me as much as Obama’s repeated references to McCain as “John.” It was not an informal setting. Everybody else called each other by their honorific but not Obama. He repeatedly called McCain John. What a cheek! How tasteless.
Bankruptcy, not bailout, is the right answer By Jeffrey A. Miron
Congress has balked at the Bush administration's proposed $700 billion bailout of Wall Street. Under this plan, the Treasury would have bought the "troubled assets" of financial institutions in an attempt to avoid economic meltdown.
Lack Of Confidence, Not Capital, Is Issue By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY
As the financial turbulence in the U.S. spreads, we've heard talk, especially from overseas pundits, of a "crisis of capitalism." But what we really have is a crisis of confidence, and the sooner it's solved, the better.
Obama Wants NRA Ads Banned :: Newsmax
The Obama camp has been threatening television and radio stations to keep them from airing anti-Obama ads.
The latest target is the NRA and stations in Pennsylvania.
An ACORN Falls from the Tree By Ken Blackwell
As negotiations over Congress’s emergency rescue bill continued over the weekend, repeated rumors leaked out that the Democrats were trying to funnel money to a hyper-partisan organization involved in criminal voter fraud. I’m speaking of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now — known by its acronym, ACORN.
The Indoctrination of Children Begins by Kim Priestap
These kids are already being taught to worship Obama as if he were some kind of god. That's what kids in North Korea, Cuba, Saddam Hussein's old Iraq, and other totalitarian regimes were taught to do as well.
Is A Bailout Actually Necessary? by Dave Nalle
The problem at the heart of the demand from the financial sector for a bailout of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and other failing financial businesses comes down to one very simple thing, the practice of many modern businesses of relying on the availability of large amounts of easy credit for their day to day operations.
Bailout marks Karl Marx's comeback By Martin Masse
In his Communist Manifesto, published in 1848, Karl Marx proposed 10 measures to be implemented after the proletariat takes power, with the aim of centralizing all instruments of production in the hands of the state.
Current Economic Crisis: Could Part Be Terror Attack On U.S. Financials? By Douglas J. Hagmann
A week ago, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) took the unprecedented step of temporarily banning the fairly common practice of "short selling" securities in response to the widening economic crisis in the U.S. The essence of the ban is that the SEC has placed a hold on "short selling" in 799 financial institutions until October 2, 2008, in tandem with the FSA, which is the British counterpart of the SEC.
Planned Parenthood under investigation for fraud Allie Martin
More than 50 members of Congress have asked the Health and Human Services Secretary to conduct an audit of Planned Parenthood over allegations that the abortion provider has overbilled the federal government.
понедельник, 29 сентября 2008 г.
Democrats want to use profits from the bailout as a slush fund for liberal activist groups, even those involved in vote fraud to help elect Barack Obama.
Mainstream US Islamic Websites -- and Terror By Patrick Poole
In counterterrorism circles there is significant buzz about “Al-Qaeda 2.0”, warning of highly decentralized jihadist networks operating independently and driven by a highly toxic internet-inspired Islamic ideology.
O'Leary's book on Barack Obama flies off the shelves despite censorship blockade By Jim Kouri
Despite running into a censorship blockade in several media outlets, Brad O'Leary's blockbuster new book, The Audacity of Deceit: Barack Obama's War on American Values, is enjoying success thanks to the power of talk radio.
Burning Down The House Explains Economic Mess
Here is a 10 minute video that helps explain the sources of the economic crisis that Congress is trying to bail us out of. There is a lot of information here, and they back all of it up. Following the video is an incomplete list of links used as sources by the [...]
Democratic leadership wanted the bailout to fail by Soren Dayton
Earlier Redstate's Pejman Yousefzadeh argued that Nancy Pelosi misread her caucus. I have an alternative hypothesis: she wanted the bill to fail. I have three pieces of evidence. First, yesterday, Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-SC), the House Majority Whip told the Politico that he was not whipping the vote and was not asked to whip the vote:
Obamaâs Scorched Earth Policy by Bernard Chapin
No words better sum up the fashion by which Barack Obama’s campaign handles criticism than “the politics of personal destruction.” Although popularized by Bill Clinton, the phrase embodies the political left’s timeless approach to securing victory in elections.
Will Conservatives Embrace Socialism? By Cliff Kincaid
Investor’s Business Daily (IBD) has a tremendous reporter, Terry Jones, who has been doing a series of explosive articles under the title, “What Caused the Loan Crisis?” IBD may also have the best conservative editorial page in the nation.
Democrats Could Have Passed Bailout By Mark Impomeni
Now that the financial markets bailout plan has failed to pass the House, at least for the time being, both sides are settling down to place blame for the failure.
Planned Parenthood guilty of fraud? By Allie Martin
A collection of faith-based groups is asking the federal government to investigate allegations that affiliates of Planned Parenthood in California may have fraudulently charged the federal government millions of dollars.
$920 Billion More to Bail Out the World By Cliff Kincaid | September 28, 2008
With one socialist “bailout” bill apparently on the way to passage by Congress, two more are pending―both of them sponsored by Senator Barack Obama. One is the Jubilee Act, which would cancel as much as $75 billion worth of Third World debt, and the other is the Global Poverty Act, which would cost an estimated $845 billion. Total potential cost: $920 billion.
The Assignment to Trash Sarah Palin by Reut Cohen
On September 18, Metro State College in Denver announced that campus officials would investigate a college professor who assigned an essay in an English composition course which explicitly called for a critique of the Republican vice-presidential candidate, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin.
Obama Wants NRA Ads Banned
Earlier Redstate's Pejman Yousefzadeh argued that Nancy Pelosi misread her caucus. I have an alternative hypothesis: she wanted the bill to fail. I have three pieces of evidence. First, yesterday, Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-SC), the House Majority Whip told the Politico that he was not whipping the vote and was not asked to whip the vote:
Turning the First Amendment On Its Head By Richard John Neuhaus
Turning the First Amendment On Its Head By Richard John Neuhaus
The argument is that religious freedom is itself an achievement of religious freedom. Then too, protecting the rights of those with whom we disagree is in the self-interest of all. On most controverted issues in our public life, there is no stable majority, only ever shifting convergences and divergences, ever changing coalitions and counter-coalitions.
As Bavaria goes, so too all of Germany? By Judy Dempsey
As Bavaria goes, so too all of Germany? By Judy Dempsey
Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservative allies in the southern state of Bavaria suffered heavy losses Sunday as the absolute majority held for decades by the Christian Social Union was swept away in a result that could have far-reaching consequences for the federal parliamentary poll next year.
Obama: Dancing With Myself By LARRY WILKE
Obama: Dancing With Myself By LARRY WILKE
John McCain has decided to step up to the plate because the game is literally on the line. Barack Obama has decided that he would rather be “Dancing With Myself” at the debate scheduled for this coming Friday.
The Debate: Barack Obama's Most Important Statement :: RADARSITE
The Debate: Barack Obama's Most Important Statement :: RADARSITE
One little sentence that sticks out in my mind and just will not go away. One small phrase which Obama uttered that to me has more significance than everything else he stated during this contest. And here it is:
The Ayers-Weatherman Terrorist Attack as It Might Have Happened by Bob Owens
The Ayers-Weatherman Terrorist Attack as It Might Have Happened by Bob Owens
In less than the blink of an eye, the blast of eight tightly-bound sticks of dynamite shattered the brittle wooden shell of the building hastily constructed during the Second World War, adding jagged splinters and rusting nails to the shrapnel that ripped through cheap tables and chairs, taffeta and chiffon, uniforms, and flesh.
Pelosi-Reid Corruptocrats Face Nation :: Gateway Pundit
Pelosi-Reid Corruptocrats Face Nation :: Gateway Pundit
The Democrats blamed reckless deregulation for the crisis today.
Of course, Democrats blocked all reform on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac for the last 10 years.
In 2001 President Bush urged reform.
In 2004 Democrats refused to reform Fannie and Freddie. (Video)
In 2008 President Bush warned Congress Read ...
Obama Only Has 7 Major Flip Flops At First Debate :: Gateway Pundit
Obama Only Has 7 Major Flip Flops At First Debate :: Gateway Pundit
Barack Obama managed 7 major flip flops in 90 minutes at the Ole Miss debate on Friday September 26.
1.) Barack Obama said he "immediately and forcefully" condemned Russia for invading Georgia.
Not true- Here's video proof--
Comeback Clinton!
Comeback Clinton!Joe Biden has made a few errors lately. This can cost him dearly, as Obama has a way of replacing him. Biden's errors are embarrassing for the Obama campaign, but few think they have an impact on opinion polls. Rumors are circulating in the US about this, and Obama's campaign has yet to deny it. [...]
Soldierâs mother just wanted Obama to âknow Ryanâs nameâ by nobamablog
Soldier's mother just wanted Obama to "know Ryan's name" by nobamablog
Madison resident Brian Jopeck, the father of Ryan Jopeck, the young soldier who tragically lost his life to a roadside bomb in 2006, recently said on a Wisconsin Public Radio show that his family had asked Barack Obama to stop wearing the bracelet with his son’s name on it.
Gore's Rebellion :: WSJ
Gore's Rebellion :: WSJ
For a while, it was a standard-issue Al Gore jeremiad, with calls for everything from installing solar panels in Darfur (seriously) to legal action against "the carbon lobby" for denying global warning (ditto). But then Mr. Gore really got going and told his disciples to head -- literally -- to the barricades to "stop" coal.
Family Upset Obama Wears Their Sonâs Bracelet :: PPV
Family Upset Obama Wears Their Son's Bracelet :: PPVNewsBusters is reporting in their article Family Told Obama NOT To Wear Soldier Son’s Bracelet… Where is Media? that the family of Sergeant Ryan David Jopek whose name is on the bracelet Senator Obama wears does not want him speaking about their son in public.
Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis By James Simpson
Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis By James Simpson
America waits with bated breath while Washington struggles to bring the U.S. economy back from the brink of disaster. But many of those same politicians caused the crisis, and if left to their own devices will do so again.
McCain Responds Horseshit To Obama During Debate
McCain Responds Horseshit To Obama During DebateJohn McCain can be heard responding under his breath “that’s horseshit, horseshit” during the debate while Barack Obama claims McCain didn’t even know Spain was allied with us. This is probably why they didn’t want him looking at Obama, because they knew McCain would say things like this. Here is the video [...]
IAEA Chief: Iran 'on path' to atomic weapon :: AP
IAEA Chief: Iran 'on path' to atomic weapon :: APThe head of the U.N.'s nuclear watchdog warned in comments published Friday that Iran is one of several countries on the "path" to possessing the ingredients for making a nuclear weapon.
'US textbooks misrepresent Jews, Israel' By HAVIV RETTIG
'US textbooks misrepresent Jews, Israel' By HAVIV RETTIG
American elementary and high school textbooks contain many "gross misrepresentations" of Judaism, Christianity and Israel, according to a book-length study released this week by the San Francisco-based Institute for Jewish and Community Research.
Gov. Blunt Statement on Obama Campaignâs Abusive Use of Missouri Law Enforcement :: JAWA Report
Gov. Blunt Statement on Obama Campaign's Abusive Use of Missouri Law Enforcement :: JAWA Report
“St. Louis County Circuit Attorney Bob McCulloch, St. Louis City Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce, Jefferson County Sheriff Glenn Boyer, and Obama and the leader of his Missouri campaign Senator Claire McCaskill have attached the stench of police state tactics to the Obama-Biden campaign.
National advocacy group accused of voter fraud
National advocacy group accused of voter fraud
Over the past four years, ACORN has registered more than 380,000 new voters in Florida, but critics are accusing the organization of election fraud, saying they believe many of those new voters have no idea they've been registered.
Another Weatherman terrorist a player in Obama campaign By Aaron Klein
Another Weatherman terrorist a player in Obama campaign By Aaron Klein
One of the main founders of the Weathermen terrorist organization is a signatory to an independent organization acting to ensure the election of Sen. Barack Obama, WND has learned.
ACORN Outrage Removes Affordable Housing Provision By Ryan Grim
ACORN Outrage Removes Affordable Housing Provision By Ryan Grim
After several days of rage from conservative activists regarding a provision in the bailout bill that would send some of the profits from the sale of distressed assets the goverment buys into an affordable housing trust fund, congressional negotiators have removed section 105(d) of the bailout proposal, according to aides on both side.